The Sufferings of Heart.

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12 HOURS OF JOURNEY. HYDERABAD TO CHENNAI IN A CAB taught her many things and also helped her calm down and thinking more practically. But she didn't regret the decision of leaving him. She became tired of crying and thinking about the possibilities. And also proud of herself of facing her fear, From the first place, She scared of confronting it to him. Now, He will easily understand the reason and won't try to call her again. She didn't get any call from him in these 12 hours and She finally reached her place with a clear mind. She opened the door with a spare key, She didn't disturb Nina by knocking the door at 3 am in the night. She didn't take rest but freshen up and left to the hospital. The perk of being of a resident doctor in the hospital where she was working is She can get back to work whenever but couldn't able to take leave whenever she wanted. For now, All she wanted was diverting her mind from the situation she faced while before. She reached the hospital by 3.30 in the early morning. 

"Anika, What are you doing at this hour?" - Dr Ridhi, A surgeon apparently working in the hospital asked her. 

"Work, What else?" - Anika said with a smile, Even she felt very difficult to smile after everything she had gone through in her life. 

"Coffee?" - Riddhi asked her, Anika accepted it with a smile. They both sat in the cafeteria having their own interest in coffee by their side. Anika had espresso by her side and Ridhi order latte for her. 

"So, What's up, Doctor? Early morning surgery?" - Anika asked her taking a large sip from the coffee. 

"No, For medical camp. Nagapattinam and Kadalur due to cyclone effect, So management decided to set up a free medical camp for them." - She told casually and it sparked the idea in her mind. 

"Who are all going?" - Anika asked. 

"Shavi, Rivesh and most of the first-year residents." - Riddhi said with a smile. 

"Then why didn't I get any notification about it? It will help for my post-graduate admissions," - Anika said in a low tone. 

"I said your name, Anika. But chief particularly asked me to leave you alone since you're on leave which happens so rarely. And also you're going to Nepal for another medical camp in twenty days, Right." - Riddhi said with a smile. 

"Yes, I can't loose this opportunity. Is there any way to loop in?" - Anika asked her. She thought for a while and called the chief who in-turn asked anika about it. Anika was very particular to go there. Not for the opportunity but for escaping from the future happenings. 

"Okay, Doctor. Yes, Got it." - Riddhi spoke to the chief and smiled at her positively. 

"Will you be here ready within half-an-hour?" - Riddhi asked her. 

"My clothes are already packed. Don't wait for me, I will come along with you, My house is on the way. I will take my clothes from there." - Anika said with a smile and got ready. Nobody looking at her will say she was dealing with the depression but in these 8 months, Anika became an expert in hiding her feeling to everyone. And now heading to the medical camp. Anika boarded with Riddhi and others, And the van stopped in front of her apartment. She rushed inside and took the suitcase and packed some extra kurti's and necessities. When she was about to leave, A guy spotted her and switched on the light. 

"Rahul?" - Anika called him in surprise. 

"Anika?" - Rahul said. 

"Is anika came?" - Nina asked from inside. 

"Yes." - Rahul replied to her. Anika was shocked for a while to see Rahul in her house and also Nina was okay with him. She waited until Nina wheeled herself outside. 

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