It's nothing in love.

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Nina. Her parents left her in the care centre learning as soon as she was born without a leg. But that didn't stop her growing and reach the heights. Now she's a doctor in a top hospital. She never regrets her existence until one day. When the person who she loves beyond boundaries chose his family who rejected her for being a disabled person. She didn't cry not even shed a drop of tear, But her entire hate ness buried deep inside her heart which also resisted her from going to him when he threw his family and came back to her without any strings attached. 

They both met in a very crucial moment. His sister got labour on the new year night while then, There was no surgeon available other than her. But her sister was not ready to deliver her baby from a disabled doctor. It was not new to Nina but she left with no option other than helping her at that moment. She started to argue in pain, Her brother who presents there slapped at her for her annoying behaviour And asked Nina to do her job after her sister became silent. And became so happy to hold a healthy baby girl from his hands. He hugged her in an instant and apologized to her for his sister's fault. With his words, For the first time, She felt equal to everyone in the world. Only he can make her feel like that. They became friends, First and the feelings started to develop in both hands. He decided to take her to his family on his parents marriage anniversary and reveal his relationship status to everyone. But they were not happy. Her father yelled at him in front of the family and guests, Without wasting time, She left the place. The dream of getting a small place in the family vented out. Neither he messaged her nor she went forward to have a conversation with him. After a week, She got to know about his engagement and messaged him to give closure to their relationship. He didn't speak a word. 

"Other than me who knows the value of people and family. I wish you won't feel pity for me and do whatever your heart says." - Nina said and left the place with her friend who came along with her. She unfollowed him everywhere and also changed her residence while then, She met anika at her hospital, Her first impressions for her was a rude and attitude person but being with her for a continuous 4 months. She got to know about her by heart as Anika cracked her heart and came to know about Rahul. Anika and Nina moved into a new apartment leaving everything associated with Rahul in her old place. But when she finds him in the waiting area of her apartment, The emotions hid inside her rushed out as tears. Anika was there to support her when she completely ignored him and got drunk beyond limits. Nina never reacted like that. But Anika helped her to come out of it where she was struggling, And she ignored him. 

He didn't stalk her but waited for her every day to speak with her. He even tried to talk anika and ask her to convince her but Anika chose Nina over Rahul even she felt bad for him. But things went worse and difficult to ignore when shivaay came over to their house to pick up anika to Hyderabad. When Anika was changing, Shivaay waited for her in the living area having Nina with him as a company.   

"It's nice, Nina. the way you take your disability as something you can make fun of?" - Shivaay reacted to her words, Shivaay took those words offended even she teases herself. But got Nina smile as a reply. 

"I was lost in finding the house, Anika's phone was also switched off. But Rahul helped me." - He said out of sudden. Her eyes went straight on shivaay. but replied nothing. 

"I will never ask who was him and how he know about you both." - Shivaay continued. 

"Shivaay, He knows anika because of me. He's my...Ex." - Nina took time to digest. 

"I knew it before. He also stuck like you when he takes your name." - Shivaay said. 

"Look, Nina. The world is like a mirror. It treats you like how you're treating yourself. As a third person, I felt so offened when you teased yourself for being like this. Try to respect yourself and also think. You know in my last relationship, I was losing myself in every way, From my clothing to my tastes, Everything was changing abruptly. But being with my wife, I realized what's life. She made me realize who am I, Actually? Life is all about living it in your own style. And my wife has her own way to live and enjoy life. So try to respect yourselves." - He said her facial expression changed. She couldn't resist herself from thinking about Rahul. Whenever she was with him, She felt equal to everyone in this world and only he could make her feel like that. 

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