Lovely Morning.

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The moment she entered into her room, She found a gift box laying in the bed with a label above saying, For my Sweety. She couldn't stop. herself from smiling. He was still working on the arrangements for tomorrow. She gasps in disappointment when she realized he was working a lot for this wedding. She opened the gift. It was a brand new iPhone 11, The much-needed gift for her. Opening the phone, She found their sangeet picture as wallpaper like it was in his phone. She decided she won't be changing her wallpaper ever in her lifetime. Without wasting her time, She called shivaay. He picked her up in the second ring. 

"You're the best." - She said as soon as he attended the call. 

"Do you like your gift?" - He asked her chuckling. 

"I love it and you also make me guilty by gifting me these many gifts. I didn't buy anything for you till now." - She said sadly. 

"Aww, Sweety. Don't we have our full life ahead? It's just a start. I don't want to lie but I am expecting a lot from you." - He said chuckling. 

"Err. I think I made a mistake by asking you."-  She replied. 

"I am not expecting anything in the form of money and gifts. You know what I mean." - He said. 

"You know what. I am feeling sleepy. Thanks for the gift. Bye." - She said and rested the call next moment when she couldn't able to control her blush when he again indirectly mentioned about their private moments. Her cheeks were in red these days and she still has no idea how to control it. 


The work extended till the 3 am in the morning. Shivaay became the one to organize it when the wedding planners went nuts due to the sudden weather change. Shivaay remained calm and composed and worked with the wedding planners to sort out the whole issue in the way they want. He got the feel of efforts which are made in the wedding and regretted not showing interest in their wedding. He reached their room by 3.10 and the lights were clicked shut but the night lamp nearer to their bed was on where anika was asleep holding the pillow tightly to her grip. His lips automatically curved to a smile. Getting on to his nightclothes, He laid next to her. Sensing the slight jerk in the bed, She opened her eyes halfway, Rest of her eyes were still sleeping. 

"You came." - She whispered with a small smile. 

"Yeah, Sweety. Sleep." - He said slightly pinching her cheek. She kept the pillow which she was holding aside and crawled close to him. He opened his hands widely and let her hug him. 

"Good night." - She whispered and slept in his chest. He didn't reply anything but smiled. Something you will feel difficult to express your happiness in words but to smile. He couldn't able to find words to express his happiness other than smiling silently. 


Anika always has a habit of recording something very beautiful whenever she buys a new phone. In her first phone Samsung galaxy star, She captured the photo of a flower. Her second phone, She sneaked into her parents room and captured the pose of her sleeping parents who were hugging each other while sleeping. Having her new phone with her now, She decided what should she capture first. She moved to her bed and sat on her sleeping husband's leg and started recording. The frame has her sleeping husband and she pressed the record button. She practised within herself calling him by a nickname. And at last, She got a name. 

"Hey..." - She called him, He responded with a Hmm. But still sleeping. 

"Sweetheart." - She called him again. This time, His lips widened to a smile. But he didn't open his eyes. 

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