A new start

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After 2 years.

It was not a good beginning but definitely a beautiful journey, This is the only journey where people never wishes to reach the final destination. Marriage. 

Anika finished her internship programme and finally a doctor now. And shivaay stayed with her in every part of her stage. He actually filled her dad's place by staying with her every moment. And they never realized it has been 3 years since they got married to each other. She moved into Delhi to practice in her mom's hospital under her guidance, Shivaay didn't resist her but he was constantly travelling from Delhi to Pondicherry. If he stays in Delhi for 15 days, He would be staying in Pondicherry for 15 days, He never complains, Because he understands how much it's important for Anika and her career. But the constant travel made him so sick, So he had a meeting with his investors and his partner, Om to move their business to Delhi, Permanently. But it was still in talks for the past 6 months. He was too frustrated when one of his investors shows their disapproval to move in and om started along with them, which made him impatient like never before. He didn't speak with anyone but got into his car and drove towards his house with a frustrated mind. While then, Anika's name popped in his phone screen. A moment of relaxation faded into his mind. He moved his car to the parking and stopped. 

"Hi, Sweetheart." - She called him in a cherished tone as soon as he attended the call. The headache he had all over the day finally got relieved when he heard her voice. 

"Hey, Sweety. What's up? Have you reached the airport?" - He asked her, She was about to come to Pondicherry as his birthday was approaching the next day. They decided to go on a short trip and explore Ooty, Which he longed to go since he started working in Pondicherry. 

"Shivaay, I... Actually..." - She slurred.  

"You're not coming, Right?"  - He asked her in-return. His frustration level reached his peak. 

"Shivaay, You know the patient, Mr Chopra. Had his brain tumour removal, This morning. Mom asked to accompany her for the surgery. I couldn't able to say 'no' to her. Please understand, Shivaay." - She said in a low tone. 

"Okay," - He said rudely and about to cut the call. 

"Shivaay. Shivaay. Speak to me. Please don't cut the call." - She stopped him from cutting the call. 

"There's a limit for everything, Anika. I planned almost everything for ourselves. Tell me, In these 3 years, Did I ever allowed my profession to come between us? Why should I blame you? I am the only person who suffers. Leave me, Anika. I am so frustrated, Right now. I will call you later." - He rested the call and hit his head on the steering wheel for losing himself to her. He switched off his phone when she constantly called him. 

He drove to his house honked his horn like anything in frustration. Vishnu opened the door in a rush, Shivaay didn't speak anything to him also didn't get down from the car. One part of him arouses him against her saying why should he always sacrifice in the relationship but another part of him recalled his words against her and her silence which broke him apart during that time. He immediately switched on his phone and called her. She picked his call in the first ring. 

"Sweety, Seriously, I am so so so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's all because of my work tension. I am sorry, Sweety." - He said without even listening to her words on the other side. Tears welled up in his eyes. He got down from the car and walking towards the entrance door. 

"Sweetheart, Stop, Right there." - She raised her tone to stop him from apologizing. 

"Where?" - He confused. 

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