The Start over.

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After 3 days. 

The travel from Chennai to Pondicherry in East cost Road always been a blissful and peaceful journey, The way the beach breeze flush off your face, You will forget all the worries and the life you're living in a minute. The main reason behind Anika choosing the institute to do her medicine. For an Imaginative girl like her, Getting admission in JIPMER was something that she only thinks only in her dreams. Even though her life seems blank, She can see something good coming in her way whenever she get to see the waves from the road they are travelling. 

Within a countable three and a half hours, Anika and shivaay reached his house which he built for him and his ex-fiance with so much of dream. He thought of giving surprise to her by gifting the house to her which was exactly up to her preference but Everything did change in a spark. And now, He moves into the house with his unexpected wife. They took a flight from Delhi to Chennai and three and a half hours road trip to Pondicherry, Indian part of France. But they didn't speak anything in a total of 8 hours of travel. Anika tried to start the conversation by thanking him who stood up for her when some of his family members asked her to take one year gap from her studies and stay as support to him. Even Anika wasn't okay with the fact but before she could reply, He bashed all of them who asked her to give a gap to her studies including her grandmother. But his reply was the same, A simple monosyllabic, Hmm. 

Even in the WhatsApp chat, She will usually get confused about what to reply after a person when they typed a simple, Hmm. And that confusion led to the silence. She could clearly understand his point of view. And the way, He said sorry on the morning with the teary eyes for the things he asked her in the night still appears in front of her eyes. While she was about to doze off, The car entered into a cozy and greenery individual house. She was all awake in a jerk and removed the seatbelt witnessing the beauty of the house. 

"I heard you live in an apartment." - She asked him in confusion. 

"I sold it, Now, This is where I live." - He replied firmly and stopped the car in front of his house. She got down from the car following him. He reached the entrance without turning back to her. A middle-aged man in his dhoti opened the door for him.  

"Baba, We are expecting you for a long time." - He said with a wide smile in his face, Following him, His wife arrived with a smile and smiled at anika nodding welcome to her. Anika smiled back. 

"Anika... It's Vishnu and his wife, Valli. Both are our house helps. If you want anything, Please be free to ask him." - Shivaay said to her by calling her with her full name which slightly disturbed her. But she smilingly nodded to him. 

"Vishnu Anna, Please take her luggage and keep it in the room downstairs." - He announced and left fastly to his room which is in upstairs. She was taken back with his announcement. But didn't make any face in front of the house helps. They looked at each other in confusion and Valli's eyes moved to her nuptial chain which she was wearing. 

"My exams will be happening in a week, There might be a chance to read overnight." - Anika said with a smile, Even though she was disappointed to the hell with his action. She was just a step away to cry. Valli took her luggage and moved into her new room. 

There was a double bed with a grey blanket on it. And a small couch nearer to the window and the screen of the window resisted her to have a look at the beach. She removed the curtains from the window as soon as Valli left the room up to her insistence. She folded it into a square shape and kept in the wooden empty wardrobe adjacent to the bed. 

She felt her breath back when she placed herself before the window and leaned to the wall looking at the crowd in the beach and the blue sea which was in her vision. In no time, Tears crossed her eyes thinking about the happenings in the past four days. And her eyes automatically clicked to shut in the same position. 


He peeped the door and saw her leaning her head in the wall and sleeping, He didn't step inside but stayed away. Still, He couldn't able to take anything what had happened to him in these four days. And his heart still needs time to heal but before he could think he got married to another girl whom he knew from childhood but never ever spoken to her more than four letters. Hi, How are you?

He stepped out from the room switching on the fan and switching off the light. He closed the door and walked towards the kitchen and saw Valli preparing lunch for them. 

"Sir, Do you need anything?" - She asked as soon as She saw him. 

"Nothing, It's just I am leaving to office. Anu is in her room, Sleeping and She's tired. Prepare something tasty for her and don't wake her up. Let everything be on her choice. And take care of her until I come back after that you both can leave." - He said in a hesitated tone. 

"Okay, Sir. I will take good care of her, Don't worry." - Valli assured him with a smile. 

"I hope you would have heard whatever happened, And she's still a kid. If she speaks or does anything wrong, Please don't take it to your heart. And help her to adjust to this new house. And if she needs anything..." - He picked out his card to her. 

"Please buy and keep it in the next moment. Don't wait." - He said. 

"Okay, Sir. We both will take good care of her, Don't worry." - She said and bid him bye. But still, He felt a bit of uneasiness recalling her reaction when he asked her to take a different room, She took it very casually but still, He felt her. All he needed is some space to himself from everything. In a rage of thinking everything in his mind, He reached his office and he didn't face any awkwardness he thought of experiencing after his wedding. But everyone wished one, Except his friend cum business partner, Omkara. 

"You shouldn't have come today. I was there, Right. You should have been there with anika. How is she? How are you?" - He asked in one go when he entered and take a seat in his chair exhaling a deep breath. 

"She's so disturbed. And I am worse than her. I needed some time, Man. From all these happenings." - He said in a low tone. 

"Shivaay, What happened?" - Om asked him.

"Tia left me, That's what happened." - He said looking at him.

"How? Did you guys fight?" - Om asked. 

"No. She just left me with a note which said, I am done with you. Nothing else." - He busted off. 

"Shivaay, You're not supposed to get weaker for a person like her. Tell me, What happened? From the start. How anika got involved in this?" - He asked her, And for shivaay, shockingly, He didn't feel any sort of pain when om took tia's name again and again. But whenever he took the name Anika, His mind automatically started to think about her and her disturbed state. 


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