The Meaningless smile.

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His eyes forgot to blink when he saw her arriving in her pink hoodie with her hands in her pockets. Her lips biting smile and her ponytail added some effect in his heart but he waved stop to it in his mind when it went beyond limits. Over then, He noticed she wore hotpants and her legs were showing actually they were shining in the street light. He raised his eyelids upwards and never attempted to see downwards till she reaches him. 

"Hi" - She heaved out a deep breathe along with a smile which she can't resist after seeing him in a person after two months. She tried to ask him out but every time she failed to ask him in hesitation but when he asked her out, She couldn't resist herself from reaching him. She forgets everything, From her exam to Arshat who was patiently waiting for her to explain Anatomy. She literally betrayed her own friends and reach out to him to have ice-cream or Date? Who knows?

"Hi..." - He replied and reached out her hands for a handshake but she misunderstood and hugged him as soon as he slightly opened his arms. It was a friendly hug according to anika but it did create some butterfly effect in him. He was not new to the hugging culture, He hugged his parents, Friends, Exes. But when She hugged him he couldn't resist himself from touching her. It was not he wanted, But everything happening, That too, With him. He could be awarded for self-control but now, He could feel the real game. If he crosses this date in a sanitized way, He won the game. 

"So What's up?" - She asked him breaking the hug casually. He seriously has no idea what to reply. But he managed. 

"I think I came here because you insisted to get out from where you're living." - He said smiling. She turned around and chuckled without meeting his face. He noticed that with a smile. 

"But I never thought you would arrive for this small wish... And I will become mad sometimes." - She told while biting her tongue. 

"Okay! Is it okay to roam around in the night?" - He asked. 

"Actually, I was teaching Yami and Arshat. I think it won't be an issue." - She replied while pointing her right thumb behind her. 

"So..." - He asked forwarding his hand a little faster without leaving a chance for misunderstanding and asked her to hold it. She held it without any hesitation and walked towards the car with a smile. She never let him open the door but went to another side faster and sat inside. He was standing there flushed. He looked at her in surprise who forgot her own words that it was their first date actually. 

"Where are we going?" - She asked him in excitement. 

"Some ice cream parlour. I have nothing in my mind." - He said to her while starting the car. 

"Aren't you suppose to think before taking me? isn't it our date?"- She asked him in confusion. 

"Well, I have to remind someone about the same thing. Is this a kind of outfit you pick for a date? Hoddie and shorts?" - He asked her. 

"Do you expect me to wear a proper outfit? That too, From my hostel room?" - She asked him a disappointment. 

"Nothing like that! You look beautiful in every dress you wear with that smile. Keep smiling always." - He said in a flow, He couldn't able to recognize when he spoke out the word which was in his heart. Her smile became a little bit wider accompanied with a pink shade in both of her cheeks. 

"You also look good in this professional outfit. Heavy work?" - She asked him. 

"Yeah... Yeah. Actually had two meetings today, Both went around 3 hours each." - He said and trying to divert from the words which were slipped from his mouth. 

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