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Anika woke up from her deep slumber only because her neck started to hurt when she fell asleep in the same position. She couldn't able to raise her head due to the pain. She walked towards the washroom in a half eyes closed state but when her feet felt a other sort of men's flipflop in the entrance of the washroom, She opened her eyes widely. Before, When she analysed the room, That chappal was not there. 

"Ouch..." - She yelled in pain when she felt a sound from her neck while bowing her head down all of sudden to check what was that. In a second, She got relieved from the pain and started analyze the whole room again. She saw a other pair suitcase next to her suitcase. She was confused to the hell. Over then, Valli walked inside the room. 

"Valli. What's happening? Whose suitcase is that?" - Anika asked her, She started calling her name when she realized valli was just a year older than her from nahore. And she started calling her name when she asked her.

"Sir's suitcase. He asked me to pack it and keep it in this room since renovation happening in the upstairs." - She said with a mischievous smile in her face. But Anika was shell shocked when the table turned out of sudden. 

"Did he ask to do so?" - Anika asked for confirmation. 

"Yes, He called my husband and conveyed the news." - Valli said while opening the wardrobe and kept the suitcase inside. Anika didn't ask any question further. She checked the time, It was about to tick seven in the night and still she didn't have either breakfast or lunch. Due to her flight dizziness, She preferred to have a liquid breakfast and when she reached the home for lunch. She slept. Now her stomach started to grumble in hunger. 

"Valli, Are you busy, right now?" - Anika asked her when she started keeping all the clothes in the wardrobe. She paused her work and turned back. 

"Do you want anything, Ma'am?" - She asked her. 

"Stop calling me, Ma'am! I am telling you this for the seventh time since I stepped here." - Anika replied to her. 

"But what do I call you?" - Valli asked her. 

"Like everyone call, Anika or Anu." - Anika gave her suggestion. 

"I can't. It's very irrespectfull." - Valli replied in an instant. 

"I am having one idea, You guys usually adds 'ma' with everyname to show close relations, Right. Like that, Call me Anu ma or anything like that. Is that cool?" - Anika asked her. Valli's face enlightened in cherishness. 

"Okay, Anu ma. I will call you by that name." - Valli said with a smile. 

"That's great! Now tell me the way to the kitchen. This house seems so complicated for me. I am starving, Right now." - Anika said. 

"Oh my god, I will bring something to you, Right now." - Valli rushed outside and Anika followed her. She was stepping out of her room for the first time. She felt weird to be in someone else house which now technicalled as her house. She didn't have a look at it previously, Her mind shutted down when he moved upstairs. But now, After a span of just 3 hours, Her misunderstanding got cleared. 

"Oh my god!" - Valli yelled at her high tone from the kitchen. 

"What happened?" - Anika asked while walking towards the kitchen. 

"Its sir's order to give the balance food to the food collection organization. We prepared lunch for both of you but..." - Valli struggled to reply. 

"It's okay. It's a good cause. Don't worry! For now, Prepare a coffee, And start your work for dinner." - Anika said understanding, She was impressed infact sending the waste food to the needy instead of dumping it in the dustbin. 

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