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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAdelaide asked through the phone, she sat down near a chair scratching her head in frustration.

"While you were gone, your mother has signed a contract to leave the rest of the money she gave to you and her money to the father." The man replied.

"My father? Why would my mother leave thousands of money to my alcoholic father?" Adelaide shouted frustratedly to her phone.

Pacing around her room, she thought about her life after losing all of her money that she has been working for. She thought about how she would live through this difficult time. "You are not taking away what my mother gave me! That's a false signature for all we know my father could've drugged her before she died on that hospital bed!" Adelaide says again before hanging up the phone.

She took a breath in, and letting out all the craziness that has been happening to her lately, Once again her life was crap. Not only she loses her money, but she may lose her job and she was afraid.

You see. she isn't really a lawyer, instead, she was being paid to this roleplay. This was her way to earning extra cash. She lost her job as a detective due to no cases being accurate or filed. She's losing everything.

As she was sitting down, hands covering her face her phone rings. She stands up heading towards her phone that was on top of the coffee table. "Hello?" She asked.

"Hey, where have you been? You disappeared on me." Barry asked.

Adelaide bit her lip, "I had to do some errands. I've been busy lately. Sorry."

"Oh no its fine, I was wondering if you we're going to stop by Star Labs today." Barry asked, thinking for a moment Adelaide wondered if Dr. Wells would somehow allow her to get a job somehow with the knowledge she knows maybe she could just get in.

"Yeah, I am. I'm actually going to stop by there now, you wanna join me?" Adelaide asked in hope for a yes. It was only a few seconds it'll Barry agreed. The two decided to grab himself a cup of coffee before leaving.


"What do you mean his fast?" Adelaide whispered towards Caitlin, Adelaide was on the edge of her seat. It was just a few minutes ago when they arrived at Star-Labs with Barry and Caitlin was going on how fast Barry can go.

"He can run as fast as an airplane?" Cisco spoke, unsure.

Adelaide believed them, she didn't say it, but she believed them. After everything that has been happening to her body? her mind? Adelaide can believe in anything, even the impossible.

"How do you guys know?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I did some tests on him and the results we're different from an ordinary human body," Caitlin explained biting her lip.

"I can show you," Barry asked. Adelaide immediately nodded her head into agreeing to see his speed. "Alright, show me."

x x x x

"You look funny in that suit." Adelaide giggled. They we're outside testing Barry's speed and Barry was wearing a ridiculous outfit ever. "Isn't it too tight?"

"Hey! I made that suit." Cisco implied getting a laugh in reply from Adelaide.

"I haven't asked you this but how's everything going on with you?" Barry asked fiddling with one of Cisco's inventions.

"Everything's good. I'm fine, everything's fine." Adelaide faked a smile in hope for Barry to move on.

"Hows your job?" Barry asked.

Looking down, Adelaide thought to herself. How was her job? After everything that has happened to her and everything that she lost, how was her job? She barely came into work or to court. Even she knows she probably doesn't have the job anymore.

Everything she has done was role play. She didn't want people to think she has given up with life due to her mother's death. She didn't want people to see her as a weak person. She wanted to be seen as someone who won't gives up.

But she already has given up.


sorry this chapter was short, I guess its one of those filler chapters. Hope you enjoyed

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now