twenty two

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Oh. My. Gush. Guys, get ready for this chapter because it is one hell of a feels train, you'll feel the love, the happiness, and heartbreak along this trip. I'm so so so sorry.


"This is for you Cisco, got it specially just for you." Adelaide winked as she handed Cisco his gift.

With a big smile on his face, Cisco opened up his gift revealing a Star Wars shirt and a Doctor Who mug. "Adelaide! Oh my god, thank you so much! I love you so much!" Cisco happily cheered as he lunges his body towards Addy for a big hug.

"No problem and I haven't forgotten about you Caitlin, here." Adelaide smiled handing her a fairly large bag, as Caitlin opened the bag, it revealed a large purse and inside of it was a pair of shoes and a new blazer.

"Adela- this is so gorgeous, thank you so much!" Caitlin smiled pulling Adelaide into a hug.

"Since you guys have done so many things to help Barry with his freakish power, I wanted to thank you guys." Adelaide spoke as Barry walked next to her, putting his hands around her waist. "And Dr. Wells, don't think I forgot about you. Thank you so much for helping Barry with this." Adelaide smiled handing Dr. Wells his present despite the awkward encounter the two had as they greeted each other.

"Thats very kind of you Ms. Nelson. If you excuse me, I have to go. Enjoy your day." Dr. Wells cheered as he slowly drives off .

"Did she say something?" Barry asked as he furred his eyebrows.

"No, its just that the explosion happened just before christmas. Kind of ruined the holidays." Cisco replied with a slight shrug.

"Oh." Adelaide mouthed.

"Yeah, it's fine. Thank you so much for the gift Addy. I think I should buy him a present, I'll see you two later." Caitlin smiled as she left the room.

"So, what are you up to?" Barry asked as his hands we're around Adelaides waist.

"Oh, Christmas shopping and I think I'll be dropping by Joe's office later on the day, he asked me to look into some files and I need to give them back. How about you? Mr. Flash?" Adelaide asked smiling, hands on his shoulders.

"Well, gotta save crimes and helping Joe out today." Barry replied.

"We're a bit busy today. Maybe later on tonight you can stop by my apartment for Christmas dinner?" Adelaide asked.

"Christmas dinner? Hell yeah. What time?" Barry asked with a huge smile on his face.

"8 or 9. Better not be late Allen."

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now