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It looks like I'll be focusing more on this story, I am so sorry if you're only here for my other stories and not this one. Despite the lack of my updates in my other stories, you'll actually be happy to hear the news that I'll be starting to write & focus more on my other stories. Once again so sorry for the lack of attention to my other stories :)

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

*insert heart sign or emoji*



Adelaide constantly paced around her room, biting her finger nails not caring if it was dirty. She felt guilty, scared, nervous and most of all afraid that she just lost that one person who mostly cares about her.

And Wells got to her, Wells manipulated her into doing whats right when it was actually not, Wells once again one. And once again, Adelaide lost. She lost.

At this point Adelaide needed a friend and who was better to call rather than Iris who would listen and give out freely romance advice. Quickly grabbing her phone out she dialed Iris's number. "Hello?" Adelaide spoke to the phone.

"Hey Ads! What's up?" Iris replied.

"You up for some coffee? I actually need to talk to you about something." Adelaide asked biting her lip.

"Yeah, sure no problem. I actually wanted to show you something. Meet you there in 5?" Iris agreed and in relief Adelaide let out a huge exhale.

"Sounds great, I'll see you there."


"Hey so what's up?" Iris asked as she was in her work clothes. Adelaide completely forgot she worked here.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I totally forgot you work here!" Adelaide apologized.

Iris let out a laugh, "No it's totally fine. What did you want to show me?"

"How about you go first, I am invading your work time." Adelaide smiled.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now