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Guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in days, I was recently in San Diego and can I tell you something, the internet was shit. I could barely go on my computer, and if I did go on my phone I had to use my data. It was such horrible internet, it felt like you we're living under a rock. I didn't know what was happening because I couldn't get on any social media sites, but now that I'm back at my cozy bed, I am going to type my ass off to update this chapters. i love you guys and thabk you for keeping up with my crap.

Everything was rushed. Everything that has happened felt so fast, one minute ago the duo we're talking, giggling and hanging out with each other and then the next minute everything just went kaboom!

Adelaide was laying down on the ground, as well was Iris. Somehow Barry ran off, disappearing from their sight. "Are you okay?" Iris shouted out, carefully standing up.

"Yeah, i guess." Adelaide replied. Iris reached out and Adelaide grabbed her hand helping her up. "Where did Barry go?" Adelaide asked.

Iris shrugged in response, and closely you could hear the sirens of the police coming their way.

As the cops came, Detective West walked towards us and behind him was Barry. "Is everyone okay?" Joe asked.

All nodded in response, "What we're you guys doing out here?!" Joe asked, slightly frustrated with us.

"We we're just catching up with some stuff, sorry dad." Iris apologized looking down at the floor, fiddling with her fingers.

"And you. I told you to go home and get some rest, I didn't want you to outside after what just happened." Joe scolded Adelaide like an 8 year old.

"I was about to go home, I just had some personal things to do. I am an adult you know, with needs." Adelaide replied back, making Joe sigh.

"What happened earlier?" Barry asked turning towards to Joe, but kept giving me glances.

"There was a bank robbery with this man who could create a storm inside. And this she was part oif it." Joe answered looking straight at me.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Barry asked turning his body towards me. For all Adelaide could tell, it wasn't pretty where this was heading.

"You guys needed me and I would always put your guys needs before mines."

"Well we can talk about this later, for now Mark can give you a ride home. Stay in bed, watch some t.v, eat some ice-cream. Okay?" Joe ordered.

Which Adelaide happily took, she needed time on her own after what everything just happened. "I'll come with her." Barry spoke.

Adelaide turned her head towards Barry giving him a confused look. "Barry you don't nee-"

"I want to." Barry cutted off. Adelaide nodded her head as nothing would stop Barry for coming with her.


After Mark, the police officer, dropped the two off at Adelaides apartment. Silence filled the room, the two wasn't intended on talking, but Adelaide could tell Barry had questions, and things he wants to say out loud. "Say what you want to say." Adelaide spook plopping down her purse and taking out her coat.

"I just, have so many questions. About you, things, why you're so mysterious sometimes." Barry replied.

Adelaide bit her lip, she hates talking about herself or about her past but if someone was really into wanting to know more about her, she ws willing to sit down and tell a story. "Well, go ahead. Ask away." Adelaide said gesturing Barry to sit down.

"Why'd you really move into Central City?" Barry asked.

It took a while for Adelaide to say something as it was a long story, a story Adelaide won't even remember. "Well, I moved to Central City because not only for my mom, but it was because this was my home. I grew up here with my sister, mom, and my dad. It was a place I would always know that I would come back. But thats not the whole story, I moved here to forget about my past. Past relationship."

"Past relationship, mind telling me?" Barry asked.

"I actually would want this to get off my chest. I had a boyfriend for well over 9 months. 9 months is a pretty long time. Markus was my very first boyfriend, he was the first boy who told me he loved me, I was beautiful, smart, and so many other things. But after about 5 months into our relationship it just went downhill. Whenever we would hang out with each other, he would find a way to go somewhere else rather than being with me, or whenever I talked about our relationship he would always change the subject. We had fights, small and big but we managed. After a couple months later, he would start acting weird. He would randomly blurt out he loves me, gives me random hugs. Sleeps closer to me at night. Which I found really weird as just a few months ago he would ignore me. It was an afternoon, I just came back from work, grabbing ourselves dinner when I entered the house, I had a weird vibe that something was wrong. I shouted out his name, no response. Immediately I ran to the bathroom, to see him dead. Blood was all over the floor, and his dead body." At this point Adelaide was in tears.

Barry came in closer giving her comfort. "Do you want to continue? You don't have to if its going to give you pain." Barry asked.

"No." Adelaide sniffled. "I want to conitnue."

"He didn't even wrote a note on why he did. I just wanted to know why he did. Why he chose to end his life. I just hated myself, I hated the fact that I didn't noticed, I hated the fact that I wasn't able to be there for him. I just hated myself." Adelaide continued.

"It took me a while to get up on my feet and actually socoliaze with people. It was hard, everywhere I went it just reminded me of him. But I womaned up and decided that if I want my life to be that misarble then go a head. But I chose a different path, I wanted to get back up on my feet. I wanted to restart my life, and I did. And I'm glad I did." Adelaide smiled as she wiped off the tears in her eyes.

"Wow. Honestly, you are amazing. Just amazing." Barry spoke.

"Thank you." Adelaide laughed. "Thank you, for listening."

"I'm here whenver you need me."


Excuse the grammar and spelling, I did not check, I was far too lazy.


I'm so sorry that i haven't updated for 9 days. Literally, how awful of a person am I? I recently just got back from San Diego and man I was passed out for most of the days. I couldn't write or anything.

But I am back and ready to write a new chapter! Please, please vote, comment and follow so you know whats up. oky?



[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now