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As the season changes and days past by nobody really thought Adelaide would get this far. As someone who's mother is barely holding up or barely acknowledging her own daughter, she had been a completely independent, mature young adult who lives in a world where anything is possible.

Although her part-time working in the Jitters was something she enjoyed; due to the smell of coffee, she couldn't help smile at the fact that her other side job is filled with all her favorite things. Science and technology.

All her money being put towards her education and the many years she spent worrying about whether her notes are good enough for the final exam, she's doing what she loves the most. During her time out of the city, she's been exploring other cities, looking through museums, science conventions, visiting and teaching lessons at a University.

It was a lovely sunny day in Metropolis, as Adelaide sip her nicely brewed coffee and flipped through a lovely book called A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. She couldn't help think about Central City. It has been only 6 days since she last heard anything occurring in the city. Ringing up her dear friend Iris, she waited for her to answer.

"Hey, Addy! It's been forever since you called, how are you doing? What city are you in right now?" Iris chirped as she answered the phone.

"Hey, Iris! I know, I'm sorry. I was meaning to call but I was kinda of busy with some stuff. And I'm doing great. I'm currently in the city of Metropolis enjoying a cup of coffee. How about you?"Adelaide replied, smiling.

"Metropolis, huh? Nice. Well, it's been great for me at least. The red streak is still around here and I assume you want to know how Barry's doing?" Iris replied.

"How is he Iris?"

"You would expect the worse, but his actually doing okay. He's been quite and kinda of distant towards me but it's probably due to his work. But his doing okay. When are you coming back? My dad misses you and I'm sure Barry does as well." Iris questioned.

"I might be coming back this Saturday and tell Joe I've missed him as well. I have to go, I'm teaching another class in 20 minutes. I'll text you okay?" Adelaide said through the phone.

"Saturday great! Have fun teaching I guess, love you!" Iris replied hanging up the phone.

"Oh, Barry, how I've missed you as well." Adelaide said to herself.


The day went by fast as she expected. Dinner was missed as the time she got to her hotel, it has been already 11 p.m at night and Adelaide just wanted to take her warm shower and throw herself to bed.

Finishing up a few paperwork, Adelaide finally decided it was time for her to get some nice sleep as she looked at her phone, it reads 2:14 a.m.

Adelaide laid on her bed, staring at the beige ceiling. It has been 2 months since it's been officially said. Although it has been 2 months, for the past couple of weeks, the scene between Barry and Adelaide replayed in her mind. A constant reminder of what she has lost.


"It's not your fault, I would do the same thing if this happened to you with any other guy beside me, can we please go back to how things were and forget that ever happened? Because I miss your tiny little kisses and our cuddles." Barry smiled reaching towards my hand, grabbing a hold of it.


"Barry, I don't know if I want to do this with you. You're out there saving the city, protecting the people from harm as the Flash and I love that. But, I also love Barry Allen and whenever you're out there in harms way- I'm scared. I'm scared of what might happen to you and I don't think I'm ready for that. I don't think I can't handle the pain I will go through if something actually does happen. There are things out there that can kill you, does that not scare you? Because it scares me." Adelaide cried out, eyes glued to Barry's eye. Confusion, pain, hurt, filled his eyes. Mouth trying to reply something back.

"Adelaide, look. I know it can be scary sometimes to know I'm out there but you gotta understand, I love what I do. I love protecting people, I love being the Flash. And I know it scares you, it scares me too. But who's going to protect the people out there from danger?" Barry replied, stepping more closer towards Adelaide.

"I can't do this, I just can't. I don't want to be put in this situation, I just can't, please just leave." Adelaide cried once more.

She felt Barry's presence come closer near her body, his touch caused shivers that go throughs her spine. Kissing the top of Adelaide's head for a few seconds, he lets go of her head, slowly walking towards out the door. Addy's whimpers fill the silent room.

"Just letting you know, I still love you."


I promised you all a chapter in February! I'm so excited to bring this back because as you can read. We've missed a lot! I'm so sorry for the long update but I was kinda of busy with other stuff but how exciting is this?

Please give this chapter a thumbs up and comment something below because it really brightens my day and makes me motivated to write more for you guys!

Happy late Valentines day! Take care my beauties because there are more to come!

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[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now