twenty five

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The smell of fresh air and the wonderful site of Central City once again came in contact with her eyes. After nearly months traveling and teaching at a few schools, she was finally back home. As the excitement roamed over her body she couldn't help but think, wow - I've managed to go through months without talking or seeing Barry, I wonder how much has changed.

Strolling through the park as she was on her way to Jitters to surprise Iris, she noticed something up in the air. Presents maybe, it was a box and was being flown by a small red parachute. Staying to see what it is and seeing the little children try to reach for it - as one plumps down to the ground it exploded.

"Shit." Adelaide cursed, she reached for a few kids who were almost near the exploding presents, grabbing them as quick as she can and giving them to their parents.

"Mommy!" A little cried out. Adelaide quickly glanced at all directions to look for a distraught parent and none were shown. Quickly grabbing the child as an explosion emerged near her making them make a run for it and thrown off. Creating a minor cut on her forehead, as her head glided with the cement. Protecting the young child - Adelaide grabbed a hold of her head and tucked inside her coat - protecting her.

"Are you okay?" She breathed out as she stood up. "Do you know where your Mommy is?"

The little girl nodded pointing towards the far off the street to her right. "Okay, I'm gonna give you to your mommy okay, it's okay. I have you." Adelaide soothed the little girl as she walked towards the mother.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" The mother cried out as she grabs a hold of her daughter. Adelaide smiled in response. Sitting down near a sidewalk bench - far from the park just slightly missing the flash in action.

"Home, Sweet Home." Adelaide mumbled.

  After the chaotic welcome back surprise, Adelaide headed towards the Police Department as she was ordered to from the cops to inform the investigators of the incident

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After the chaotic welcome back surprise, Adelaide headed towards the Police Department as she was ordered to from the cops to inform the investigators of the incident. Seeing Iris, Addy sighed a familiar face. "Iris!" Adelaide called out.

"Addy! I thought you were coming back in a few more weeks?" Iris gushed out as she pulled Adelaide into a hug.

"Wanted my arrival to be a surprise - and boy you bet it was." Addy laughed pointing towards her forehead, revealing a slanted line with dry blood just spread around the cut. "Hi, Eddy."

"Addy, nice to see you back and finally with Iris. If I had one more day of her talking about girl products I would've gone insane." Eddy laughed. "I have to go, I'll see you two later." He says as he kissed Iris on the forehead and gave Adelaide a hug.

"Here, sit down. Hey! Can I get a first aid kid here?" Iris shouted and within a few minutes, someone came in with a first aid kid and Iris cleaned off the cut from getting an infection.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now