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Hey everyone this was supposed to be updated on the 4th of July but totally forgot since I was partying for this event, so sorry for that!

! Happy late 4th of July and if you're not from the United States, I hope you're having an amazing day/night.

Enjoy, I love you!


"So what brings you here Ms. Smoak?" I asked as I stood next to Barry.

"Actually I'm here because of this." Felicity said as she handed Cisco what seems to be a boomerang.

"You came all the way from Starling City to bring Cisco a boomerang?" I laughed. But it seems like this boomerang was a serious thing, I quietly closed my mouth and looked down in embarrassment.

"Awesome! What are thing wings made of?" Cisco asked amazed while holding his precious boomerang.

"Not sure, I'm thinking of some sort of composite or high-density plastic." Felicity replied.

"Reinforced with Carbon fiber." Cisco said continuing Felicity's sentence. As the two walk away to run some tests on this boomerang. Me, Barry and Caitlin stayed.

"Hey, you guys come up with anything new on our meta?" Barry asked walking towards us.

"Well the officer who was affected tonight said he saw a flash of red before he lost control." I replied looking through data. "I suspect the meta is inducing rage via the ocular nerve."

"And Dr. Wells wants to see you." Caitlin said before walking towards a different station.

"Wonder what's his going to talk about." Barry wondered as he stood next to me.

"Who knows, oh and I'm leaving town for a few days to visit my mom." I spoke.

"What? Your leaving me?" Barry asked frowning.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now