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I want to start this off that if you are struggling with depression or any sort of disorder. I want you to know that you are not alone. I want you to know that people who are willing to listen to you loves you. I want you to know that giving up isn't the answer. Please talk to someone before it gets worst. Also, I love you.


It was a constant battle, there are days when you just don't care and there are days where you just can't. Your mind speaks to you and those little voices taunts you, say things to you that aren't true. But in the end you listen to those voices and agree on whats not true, It was something that everyone has or still do.

And to Adelaide it seems like everyone around her just disappeared, not caring what happens to her.

She tries, but how could she when those tiny little voices in her head becomes bigger and takes control over her and no one can fix it?

A smile can cover up the frown but a smile cannot cover up the sadness and frustration a person has within. When your smiling, deep down you know a smile isn't what you should put up but a smile is the only thing you can put on so you don't hurt anybody.

It was 3 am and Adelaide hasn't had her sleep yet. It was the day before her first official date with Barry and she was a mess.

The monsters in her head stopped her from being happy reminding her the horrible things she has done and the only way she can get rid of it is harming someone. Not herself, someone who she doesn't know and won't feel guilty of.

And thats what she did in the following hour. Adelaide roamed the streets looking for a victim. In just a blink of an eye she spotted her victim, recklessly she focused her mind on that one specific person who stood there, she let all the anger built inside her take over and right there.

The person was dead.

Adelaide smiled to herself, she let the demons win.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now