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        IT HAS BEEN NINE MONTHS ever since the accident and Adelaide decided to stay and wait for her friend to finally wake up. A lot can happen in nine months, and it seems like all the shit that's going on the world seems to be evolving around her.

        Adelaide's mom has died from a car accident, her sister got arrested for drinking and driving, and her dad is drinking again. But somehow Adelaide strong, she didn't need help. She was Adelaide who is a strong will-minded girl, adventurous, smart, sarcastic, responsible and caring. But underneath all of these things, she was broken. She was ruined,

     She hides behind these walls telling people everything is okay when it's not. Her life has turned upside down in just a minute. Her best friend, who is laying down who was in a coma and it was her fault. She blamed herself for not running up to him, to save him.

       She's rarely outside partying, cruising. Whenever she goes outside it's for her job, she would call Star Labs to ask how Barry was doing or if they know  when he's going to wake up.

      This incident literally has ruined her life, and day by day she gets angrier and angrier. Not only she was broken but she was different. She was a whole new person who has these weird things that have been happening to her. Somehow whenever she gets angry, someone gets killed.

    And this was not something she was looking forward too, Adelaide can't tell anyone, they'll probably think she's crazy or insane. Might as well put her in an asylum.

        Every day she's been controlling her anger but she still couldn't understand how anger could kill someone? Is it because her heart was connected to her brain? And what she's feeling connects to the brain triggering anger and death upon a person.

       "Hey Addy, want the usual?" Iris asked as Adelaide walked towards the counter, she nodded her head and moved to the side as she waits. She may not have liked Iris during her younger years but for the past few months, they have been getting on well together.

       Adelaide felt like she was her sister. They connected instantly but she couldn't help it wonder if she has feelings for a certain boy. "Here you go,'' Iris asked handing her order. Adelaide smiled after taking out her money and paying for her a drink.

      She walks toward an empty table and sat down, taking out her notebook and computer. Work has been stressful, Joe managed to help her be a part of this detective considering that this wasn't her city to protect, might as well find a job she wanted here since she is staying.

      After a couple of hours working on some files and cases, Adelaide decided to stop by Star Labs to check on things and her friends Cisco and Caitlin. The three have grown a lot ever since Adelaide started visiting Barry more often for the past month.

        "Hey, guys," Adelaide spoke, walking in the room with a pursue smile.

      "Hey, Addy. Just jamming in some tunes here." Cisco replied.

     "I like this song, if you need me I'll be over at the files cabinet room," Adelaide informed the boy and headed off.

     "What are you doing?" Caitlin asked as she sees's Cisco near Barry blasting the music in his ears.

       "He likes this song," Cisco smiled. "And how could you possibly know that?" Caitlin asked as she furred her eyebrows.

       "I checked his facebook page." Cisco implied.

       "Okay, I'm back. I find this f-" Adelaide spoke but was cut off.

        "Where am I?" Barry breathed in. He was awake and Adelaide was here to see it all happen, Barry was awake, alive.

   "He's up!


lmao this sucks, I rushed this like this morning and had to leave for something and I just finished this 20mins ago and I was like maybe this should be all and stuff, also, four will be much more longer, like I want to finish episode 1 so badly right now but yeah

and the last two chapters and this one is not edited so yeah sorry!

hope you enjoyed (:

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now