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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAdelaide sang as she carried one of the last boxes from the truck. After a few weeks, Adelaide moved out of her tiny apartment and into a fairly large flat, which had enough space for her and maybe a couple friends.

"If you love me let me go! If you love me let me goo! Cause these- Holy shit!" Adelaide cursed as she hears the doorbell rang through the room. Sighing and wiping off her sweat, she walked towards the door to see no other than Barry Allen. "Barry! What are you doing here?" Adelaide asked surprised.

"I heard you got into a new apartment so I decided why not celebrate?" Barry smiled holding up a bottle of champagne. Adelaide smiled, "Thank you! Come in. I was actually just bringing in boxes, but I'm all done and I would love some champagne." Adelaide cheered as she gestured Barry to come in.

"Hows it been? I know I haven't been in contact for a while. Oh, my god! I'm so sorry that I haven been there lately, even after you just woke up from your coma. A lot of things has been happening lately, trust me. I've tried managing to try and meet up with you and Iris but with my mother's death and money, therapy a lo-"

Adelaide was finally stopped by Barry letting out a chuckle. "Addy, calm down. It's fine, I understand and you don't have to be sorry for anything. Okay?" Barry smiled.

"You're right, I'm sorry," Addy replied giving him a smile in return.

"You mentioned therapy, why are you seeing a therapist? May I ask." Barry asked politely.

"It's nothing serious really." Adelaide lied. Barry nodded his head. "How have you been? I mean it's only been what a few weeks since you woke up? And somehow you're smiling and laughing like nothing happened." Adelaide questioned.

"If I'm being honest right now, it's been great. I'm up and doing my job like normal." Barry replied.

"That's good to hear, Barry. It's really good."

"Listen, is it okay if you want to grab a cup of coffee with me?" Barry asked hope in his voice.

"That actually sounds nice, here. How about you wait for me to change and touch up my face while you wait here?" Adelaide asked and Barry nodded his head.

Adelaide quickly walked towards her room, rummaging through her boxes of clothes and make-up bag.

x x x x

"It's true! My mom forced me to enter those girly pageants. Hated it." Adelaide laughed as she held her coffee, walking the streets with Barry on a cold night.

"Wow, I would never have known Adelaide Nelson was a pageant girl." Barry laughed, hands on his pockets.

"I was 9!" Adelaide groaned.

As the two walked down the streets, laughing filled with joy. Adelaide could only think about the awful night, the image that hasn't been erased from her mind. The flashed of lightning just hit Barry's body kept repeating.

"Earth to Addy?" Barry asked waving his hands in front of his face. "I'm sorry, it's just one of those days when I just stop and think or daydream." Adelaide apologized.

"No, it's fine. I was just worried." Barry replied as Adelaide was about to speak, Barry's phone rings stopping her words coming out of her mouth. "Hold on a sec."

"Yeah, okay I'll be there," Barry replied on his phone. "Something came up, I have to go. Thanks for the amazing night." Barry smiled before running towards the opposite way.

Adelaide wasn't even able to reply, all she could do was a sigh.


yay six is done! Hope you enjoyed, I just really wanted to have Adelaide and Barry have more moments together and build up their relationship. Expect this in many more chapters to come :)

love you!

- jayn

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now