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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤBarry asked sitting up taking heaving breathing. Adelaide stood there, right in front of him completely shaken up. She ran towards his body giving him one of the tightest hugs ever. "Adelaide?"

She nodded her head giving out a smile, "You're awake. I can't believe this! Do you have any idea how long we've been waiting?!" Addy burst, she was furious but was happy to see her old friend back from the dead.

"Alright, can Caitlin do her thing now? I need you to pee in this cup?" Caitlin jumped in shoving the tube in front of his face.

"Caitlin! Maybe now is not a good time." Adelaide scolded her, still having a tight grip on Barry's arm.

"How long have I've been sleeping?" Barry asked pulling away from the hug. Still shaken up, Barry stands up pacing around.

Adelaide bit her lip if Barry has found out that his been sleeping for more than 9 months he would be furious. "9 months, Barry. You were gone for 9 months, and I watched you die." Adelaide responded, having flashbacks of the day this all started.

Barry stares at the brunette who was now tearing up and who was hugging herself for comfort. He sighs walking towards her to give her another hug, this time making sure she was okay, and making sure that this hug makes up for all the hugs he has missed the time he was gone.

"Where am I?" Barry asked pulling away.

"Star labs, you were struck by lightning," Cisco informed the brunette has forgotten about the others in this room.

"Lightning gave me abs?" Barry asked pulling up his shirt, and a smile on his face.

Adelaide giggled to herself, "I think Dr.Wells would want to see you."

"Iris!" Barry burst, he has almost forgotten his other friend. Barry rushed around looking for a new shirt to change it until he found one of our sweaters.

Adelaide bolted up, noticing Barry was about to leave right after he just woke up. "Where are you going?" Adelaide asked putting on her coat.

"I need to see Iris, wanna come?" Barry asked exiting the lab. Adelaide nodded her head and grabbed her purse and followed Barry.


"Just saying, things has changed ever since you were in that coma. Things are different now, Barry." Adelaide spoke as they we near Iris working place.

"I know, but I'm here now," Barry replied giving her a warm smile. Nodding her head, Adelaide entered the cafe, the smell of coffee lift her nose.

"I'll sit over there." Adelaide pointed towards the empty seat.

Adelaide watched as Iris and Barry finally reunited, their reunion was different from theirs. Barry seemed more happy to see Iris than her. She knows that they were best friends from childhood but Adelaide was there for him, he was there with his parents, school, bullies and the coma. Iris barely visited him, but Adelaide would check up on him every day.

Making her know more about Caitlin, Cisco and Dr. Wells. As Adelaide watch the two hug and chat she couldn't help feel but anger and this made her worry.

She was not about to kill a person because of jealousy, no. She won't allow it, quickly she got up and sprinted towards the door.

Taking a deep breath, she cooled herself down, not wanting to kill another innocent person. Turning her head in each direction, she walked back to her apartment not telling Barry.


short but easy, sorry for the late update!

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now