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do you guys want me to continue writing this with Adelaide's point of view or third person?

I think this chapter is based off Revenge of the Rogues here's a description of what the episode is supposed to go:

Leonard Snart returns to Central City with a new partner, a plan to steal a multi-million dollar painting -- and to abduct someone close to Barry. (And Barry doesn't confess his love to Iris but to Adelaide!)

So yeah, enjoy! and I hate this new writing tool. Also, i think barry and adelaide's ship name should be aderry or barylaide i DONT KNOW IM SITTING HERE FOR 10 MINUTES THINKING ABOUT THIS.

Love, jayn


As soon as I got out of the taxi, I thanked the man and payed the bill and soon after I headed towards Star-Labs. A few days away from Central City a lot can happen and I want to know everything that has happened during those past few days.


I texted Barry a short text reminding him I was almost up and my face couldn't stop smiling. After a few days of being away from Barry, I've realized that my life's incomplete without him in the picture. Arriving at the lab, I said my hellos to Cisco and Caitlin. "Where's Barry?"

"There was a fire and Barry dashed of saving the ones in there. You know superheroes." Caitlin replied as she stared into her computer screen. "How was your trip?"

"Right, and it was fine. Thank you for asking." I smiled. "What'd you guys do this morning?"

"We started on testing Barry's speed, we're trying to see how fast he can actually go." Caitlin replied. Soon, Barry came dashing in.

"Addy!" Barry shouted walking towards me.

Backing away as I didn't want to hug him in his suit, realizing he needed to change. He quickly dashed off quickly changing into his normal clothes, and once he did, he came charging right at me with the biggest hug. "I missed you." We both said in synchronize.

After what felt like hours of hugging, we pulled away from each others grasp. "How was working with the one and only Oliver Queen?" I asked taking his hands.

"About that, besides from nearly killing each other. It went well." Barry laughed.

"You didn't tell me that when I called you yesterday. Shame on you Allen." I complained, scrunching up my nose.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now