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Adelaide cussed entering Joe's home with Caitlin & Cisco behind her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cuss, I'm just confused with who Harrison even is." She apologized sitting down by the stairs with Caitlin. "I mean the man seemed so trustworthy at first- well not to me. He did not like me at all. I don't know but when I first met him like actually met him it seemed like he knew me." Adelaide continued.

"Must be weird, hanging out with that man who you wouldn't even think twice of committing a crime," Cisco said as he shook his head. "Anyways, where's Barry?"

"I told him to grab some pizza's on the way-" Joe responded when a sudden dash of wind came across revealing Barry with the pizza box. "Let's eat." Joe cheered grabbing a slice of pizza noticing the girls on the stairs staring off the distance. "Addy, Caitlin?" He said motioning towards the pizza.

"I'm good, thanks anyway," Caitlin responded standing up walking towards the couch.

"I'm not hungry." Adelaide smiled who sat in the same position. Barry glanced towards her direction wondering why she didn't want some good pizza.

Things were still a little awkward between the two, of course, they've been talking but necessarily about their relationship, and she didn't want to rush into things just yet.

"Okay, the investigation of Harrison Wells has led us to nowhere, no lead, no clues. So with that, we're going back to the beginning." Joe stated.

"And what does that mean?" Adelaide questioned.

Cisco smiled grabbing for another slice of pizza, "That means a road trip, baby!" He cheered eating a huge bite of the pizza. "Me and Joe are going to Starling City to investigate the car accident Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan 15 years ago."

A sudden ring echoed through everyone's ear, in which Adelaide's phone rang. She quickly answered, "Hello? Yes, this is she, wait are you serious?" By at this point, everyone looked at her. "Okay, I'll come by right now thank you." She sighed turning off her phone shaking her head.

"I have to go, gotta get something assorted from the bank. I'll see you guys later?" Adelaide said putting her stuff away as she stood up.

"Bank? What for?" Cisco asked.

Adelaide walked towards Cisco putting her purse over her shoulder, "Last week I got my purse stolen. I thought I didn't have anything important there or anything but it seems like I did since my credit card got activated and took some money on it. I gotta talk to the bank to see if they can freeze it and refund my money that got stolen."

Barry's eyes widened with the sudden news, "You got robbed? Why didn't you tell Joe or Eddie about it?"

"It was a grab and run, didn't think it was much of importance since I didn't see the face and I thought I only had pointless stuff in it," Adelaide responded. "Anyways I'm going, I'll see you guys later." She smiled as she walked out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now