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Ermahgerd! Is it true? I'm finally updating?! Yes I am and I'm so sorry for the lack of update lately, after what happened during the previous days. I've got my butt up to finally type and update! I hope you enjoy, and the following chapters will be based on an episode, I think it was Arrow vs Flash. Oh and this will be in ADELAIDES POINT OF VIEW.

Also a lot of you guys having been asking me about the cover and what I used, I used photoshop for them.




I recently just got a message from Cisco urgently telling me to come over due to a serious matter that happened this morning while I was asleep. So, I made myself look clean and grabbed myself a quick coffee-to-go before I headed to Star-Labs.

I would say it was a good morning for me since Barry messaged me the sweetest thing a person could wake up to. A good morning beautiful text when it was about 3 in the afternoon. Smooth Barry, smooth.

As I entered the lab, Barry, Caitlin and Cisco we're in sight. "Hey guys." I waved. "Whats up?"

"There was a robbery going on at a bank and when Barry arrived everyone was acting savage, hurting each other." Barry explained. "And then they we're fine again."

"Anger can be a powerful emotion. if this meta-human can engender irrational feelings of anger in his victims. He can do a lot of damage." Dr.Wells spoke.

"Luckliy detective West helped get a copt of the cat scans the hospital did on everyone who was involve. Take a look." Caitlin spoke.

I took a quick look, examining the data. "The emotion center of the brain are still showing signs of being overwhelmed, mostly in the area that controls executive function." I spoke, sharing the information I could tell from the copy Caitlin showed us.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now