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[i've decided to change the actress who's playing adelaide and she is now jenna coleman]



was here, meaning Barry Allen is here. And Adelaide was terrified - not because there was poison just going through her veins - but with the fact that she has to face Barry when she isn't even ready. "Where's Henry Allen?" Barry shouted as he pinned the Trickster to a wall.

"He's where you'll be soon. Heaven! Are you familiar with the movie Speed? Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock? See you're the bus and that's the bomb." The Trickster said as his partners attached a bomb to Barry's wrist. "A kinetic bomb, actually, and if you go below six hundred mph it will explode! Same thing happens if you try to remove it! And it's active." He laughed.

"Run, run, run, run, run!" He laughed and soon Barry flashed off.

"Iris, I'm not feeling too good." Adelaide mumbled as she clutched onto her stomach. Iris lent a hand as she carefully plopped Addy down near the stairs. "It's getting to me, I can feel it."

Iris shook her head, "No. You're not dying today. Do you hear me? You are not dying till I let you die you hear me?"

"Nice to know I can count on you to comfort me in a time where I'm about to die." Adelaide joked. Iris pulled Addy into a hug, soothing her back as she sat down, pain inflicted on her stomach. As minutes pass by the two stayed silent with a sudden sound of a speedster going around and the crowd getting shocked by something.

"It's okay! You've all been given an antidote." Barry shouted towards the crowd giving them a sigh of relief.

Completely missing one person Iris waved her hand up, "Barry!" She shouted as she pointed towards a very distraught Addy sitting down, pain on her face. Speeding towards Addy and injecting the antidote into her.

"Now where's Henry Allen? You're going to prison, either way, James." Barry spoke walking closer towards the Tricksters revealing his whereabouts and soon The Flash speeded through looking for his father.

  Although after the event with the tricksters, Adelaide was deeply saddened by the fact that Barry hasn't tried to reach out or communicate with her at all

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Although after the event with the tricksters, Adelaide was deeply saddened by the fact that Barry hasn't tried to reach out or communicate with her at all. Yes, he did inject her with the antidote, that is basically it. Trying to not get the situation through her head, Adelaide stayed over with Iris for the night.

Since Iris was told that Eddie would be working a night shift, the two decided to sleep together rather than Adelaide sleeping on the couch. "Don't be so bummed that Barry didn't talk to you at all today. But you have to know, you left him and he had months to try and move on. Who knows if he's still in love with you or something - but all I can say is, give it time. It's not easy for someone to immediately communicate to someone who's been gone for months and who was in love with." Iris spoke as she laid on the bed.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now