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Hello lovely people! I'm sorry for the late update. I was going to update yesterday but I was working on a few chapters on my other stories around 1 am and I eventually fell asleep and didn't update. I'm sorry! I hope you enjoy this chapter (:

P.S can we talk about the front cover? Took me an hour to make.

I love you :* (<-- kissy face)


Barry Allen, is probably the only person that can keep Adelaide Nelson sane and complete. Through out the week Barry has tried reaching out, asking questions on what he did wrong. It wasn't him, it was her.

Nothings wrong with him, it was her and Adelaide knew that the problem was her, it was just hard for her to admit. Even if it was the truth, but she wanted to let this all a side and decided to keep her relationship status single and not ready to mingle.

As for now, she wanted to be friends ti'll she was ready. As she sat alone on a table at Jitters waiting for Barry's arrival for a friendly talk, she noticed the distance between the two that has been forming ever since she stood him up for the date.

Came burrowing in, Barry Allen rushed his way to Adelaide and sat a sit in front of her, bringing up a smile. In which she knew wasn't real.

"Hey." He breathed out.

"Hi." Adelaide spoke forming a smile, trying to keep everything in. "Listen, I'm so sorry I stood you up. I never intended about doing that. I feel so bad, I'm so sorry."

"Addy, it's okay. I can tell by the way you were ignorning my messages and call you're not ready and I understand that. I've had the same thing with another person, she wasn't ready, or she was totally in love with someone else-."

"You used to like Iris?" Adelaide blurted out.

"No, Yes. Not anymore! Look the point is, I will wait. I'll wait ti'll your ready, Iris told me about your past ex and how he treated you and I understand if your not ready yet, but I want you to know that I'm here for you." Barry explained bringing a smile upon the two.

Adelaide took a deep breathe, "I like you, I know you already know that but I just want to say it. I've liked you since 3rd grade, cheesy as it sounds but you were the only boy I've felt like this to someone before. No one else."

"And I like you, I don't why I was so blind to notice a beautiful girl sitting down in front of me. " Barry replied.

Adelaide got off her sit and walked towards Barry, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheeks. "Thank you."

"No problem, but I still wanna hang out you know. How about you come by star-labs today? Felicity's coming down over today to visit, you should come meet her." Barry invited Adelaide.

"Yeah sure, I'll call you up when I arrive." Adelaide spoke, agreeing with the plan.

"See you later, Allen."

"Laters, Nelson."


I know this is short but the next chapter is the one you should be looking out for! So sorry, It'll be up Thursday, I promise! i love you!

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now