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hey guys! chapter nine is here, and I was wondering if you guys wanted me to follow the show on CW or just make up my own story for this? It's just this thing has been on my mind lately. Please let me know by commenting.

Oh and also, I changed the actress who plays Adelaide, First it was Hailee Steinfield, then it was Adelaide Kane, then I changed it back to Hailee Steinfield. Hopefully you guys pictured her as Adelaide, because I definetly did.

It'll be also fun if you guys comment a question and i'll answer them on the next chapter and dedicate it you.

Anyways, i'll stop so you guys can get on into reading! Also, if you guys want this in Adelaide's perspective or third person perspective. Please comment below!


It felt so warm, and peaceful where Adelaide layed at. It felt like home or more likely a soft cushy pillow she'd hug til death. Not realizing it was about 2pm in the afternoon. Adelaide bolted up realzing there was another person with her.

Looking down, she notices Barry's face. "Oh my god." Adelaide gasped. "Barry! Wake up! It's 2 in the afternoon, I gotta get to work and you have to get to work!" Adelaide spoke, shaking Barry's shoulders.

"Huh? What?" Barry grumbled sitting up. "What time is it?"

"It's freaking 2 in the afternoon!" Adelaide panicked standing up.

"Holy sh- I gotta get to work!" Barry cursed immediately standing up and picking up his coat. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, I should be the one sorry for keeping you up late at night." Adelaide apologized.

"No, it was totally fine. It looked like you needed it off your chest anyways. I have to run, I'll see you later okay?" Barry spoke before leaning in towards her giving her kiss on the cheeks.

Giving her a smile, Barry ran towards the door and carefully closing it leaving Adelaide speechless.

Adelaide's cheek flushed bright red. Thoughts in her mind came. Barry Allen just kissed her. And she very much did enjoy it.

"Shi- I gotta run!" Adelaide spoke to herself, running towards her room and getting changed.


As Adelaide hurriedly ran towards the entrance, she caught a few minutes to catch her breathe. The taxi driver literally dropped Adelaide off 5 blocks from Jitters.

As she walked in the entrance, she notices Adelaide and gave her a wave and a sweet smile. "Hey Addy! You know your about 3 minutes late." Iris scolded.

"Really? C'mon me and Barry got caught up!" Adelaide groaned entering the staff room and putting her things down to sign in.

"You and Barry? Woah woah. Details please!" Iris begged before sitting down at an empty table gesturing Adelaide to sit next to her.

"Okay, please don't act all pumped up for this? Well you know Barry took me home and we talked, we fell asleep on each other- nothing happened- and we woke up, realizing we we're late for work. We bot rushed and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheeks." Adelaide smiled feeling her cheeks rose up with just the thought about it.

"No freaking way! Holy shit Adelaide Nelson getting down and dirty!" Iris joked. Adelaide gave her a playful punch on the shoulder.

"It wasn't like that. Now c'mon we have work." Adelaide replied.

"Alright, alright I'm going." Iris groaned. "You two would make a great couple, just saying."



I'm so sorry if this is short or whatever. I know I know I suck, but at least I got something right? Also next chapter will be around episode 5 of the CW show okay?

Also please read my other stories! If your a ouat fan, I have a peter pan ff currently being worked on, the maze runner and teen wolf. So please go and read, I also have a Carl Grimes ff. Please take your time to check them out <3

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now