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Hello everyone! Quick little authors note, even though I had so much fun writing in Adelaide's POV, I've decided to write most of the chapters in third person POV because I feel much more comfortable writing it in that POV. Hopefully you guys understand, also massive thank you for reaching 20k and almost 1k! Enjoy chapter nineteen

- jayn


Meanwhile Barry was with Cisco and Wells who we're discussing the heat gun Cisco had built for the Police Department for when Snart comes, unfortunately the heat gun was no use. "When the heat gun was fired, it increased the surrounding temperature of the air dramatically, sort of like an extreme heat wave." Cisco explained as he showed the blue prints.

"I measure the temperature output of both the cold and heat guns right? While the cold gun achieves absolute zero, the heat gun successfully reaches absolute hot, or the hottest temperature an object can reach."

"Planck temperature." Barry said understanding the problem.

"Yeah, but to do that, you'd have to make them cross streams." Cisco replied.

"You mean like Ghostbusters?" Barry wondered.

"That film is surprisingly scientifically accurate." Cisco agreed.

"Quite funny too." Barry smiled before his phones starts to vibrate receiving a call from Joe.

"Hey Joe, what's up?" Barry asked through the phone as he walked away from Cisco and Wells.

"There's no sign of Caitlin." Joe replied. "Barry, theres another thing you should know. She wasn't alone, we found blood on the floor and analyzed it."

*intense silence.*

"It was Adelaide's blood." Joe continued soon as he finished his sentence, Barry zoomed to the crime scene arriving at the horrible image. A small puddle of Adelaides blood was on the ground and Caitlin's car was frozen.

"Oh my god." Barry breathed in as he walked in. "No- we're getting them back, we have to find Snart." Barry spoke, scared the his girlfriend and Caitlin are pleading for their life.

"Damn right we do. C'mon lets go." Joe agreed as they walked off the crime scene heading the Police Department.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now