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[hopefully you guys know that I won't be following each episodes and turning them into chapters, I'll be most likely skip 1 or 2 episodes, okay. Go check out @jazmiinx_ guys!]

guys, make sure to give love to chapter twelve because holy dAM its super long so plz vote and comment <3

also make sure to follow me for updates and random craziness! here you gooo.

"Wait, so your telling me Tony liked you all this time?" Barry asked as he opened the doors of Jitters.

"Well yes, but I needed know that." Adelaide replied waLking in.

"Did you guys date and all?" Barry asked walking towards an empty table.

"Barry no! Besides I only knew about this crush thing yesterday. You know when I got kidnapped and stuff. But its thats not really important, right?" Adelaide responded sitting down.

Barry sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just never had a fling or any type of a romantic relationship. So I really don't know what to talk about."

"Its fine. How about we talk about Iris and her blog?" Adelaide asked.

"What about Iris and her blog?" Barry responded.

"Well, I'm helping her run the blog." Adelaide spoke, quite to fast.

"Wait, your helping her? Addy, I already told her not to continue with this non sense and now you? I have enemies out there and if they find a way to get you in order to contact me then your in trouble. I'm not always going to be there by your side protecting you." Barry firmly stated.

"I never asked to be protected. I'm doing this for Iris and myself. Why do you sound so much like Wells right now?" Adelaide groaned, annoyed at the moment.

"What is up with you and Wells lately? Wells is a good guy, his training me, and he saved my life." Barry questioned.

Adelaide frowned, "If I wasn't there with you when the lighting struck, no one would've abled to call 9-1-1 immediately right after you crash."

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now