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Holy crap guys this fucking chapter is so long its about 2,000+ words, this chapter was one whole episode (with some scenes not included) but omfg my fingers hurt it took me half an hour to finishing and I'm now having a major headache due to look at the screen for hALF AN HOUR, probably way more than that. Anyways I hope you enjoy


Considering Adelaide promised Iris she'd write a short article about The Streak she stayed until 1 am to write an article and publish it. It was something she couldn't say no to, it was one of Iris' passion to become a journalist and with this website it may help her but with a cost.

Even though Adelaide knew who the Streak really was, she hasn't told Barry about her helping Iris with her blog.


You need to believe in the impossible in order to trust and believe me. We have yet to discover miracles that are happening around us, and we are blinded of what has been happening to our community. Someone out there is saving lives, and he needs the attention he deserves.

For a couple of weeks, months, you may have noticed a red streak pass by through, or a gush of wind blowing your hair. Could this be a our very own vigilante? News reports are saying the amount of crimes that has been recently happening has been covered by a unknown vigilante who has made an apperance in different situations. Could this be our very own Arrow?


- Adelaide Nelson


It was the following day and Adelaide couldn't wait to tell Iris everything that just happened, she quickly applied minimal make up and reached for her purse before she headed to work and seeing Iris.

"Iris, you won't believe what just happened." Adelaide gushed as she put on her apron.

"What is it?" Iris asked infront of the counter.

"Well, me and Barry has been getting really close lately and I have developed feelings for him. I hope he has feelings for me, but thats not the point. Me and him kissed." Adelaide smiled as her cheeks begins to blush.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now