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| 01. ' you look amazing '|

 ' you look amazing '|

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THE DAY GLOOMED with slight dark clouds above the sky, as Adelaide walked down the streets of what she used to call home. After a while of being away from the city, she took a deep breath as she inhaled the smell of gasoline and pollution that surrounded the air of Central City. The day was going great.

"Well, who do we have here?" A voice spoke, smiles appeared on both of the faces as she recognized the voice as one of the people who have supported her, Joe.

The two walked towards each other and gave each other a big hug, "I didn't know you were coming back, why didn't you call? I would've put a personal escort out from the airport." He joked as he pulled away.

"You know I hate attention and if you must know it just a stop. I was on my way to Smallville when I decided to turn around and see how Central Cit is going on without their precious Adelaide." Adelaide spoke as she took a look around the police station.

Joe gestured for Adelaide to take a sit as he grabs her a cup of water. "I should call Barry, he would be thrilled to see you! You guys haven't seen each other since senior year of high school, there's bound to be a conversation with you two." He exclaimed.

Adelaide sigh, Joe knew the two friends didn't end well with each other and he has always been a supporter of her. Joe has always talked about how the two would've made a great couple. "Joe, listen I would love to see him and catch up but do you really think that's a good idea?" She sighed sadly.

"He was the one who cut off any communication towards me, I'm pretty sure he hates me. Why else would he stop talking to me?" Adelaide explained.

Barry had cut off any communications towards her after Senior Ball. No texts, calls, or anything. Whenever the two would see each other down the hallway eyes would drift to something else as their shoulder's brush each other. A word barely was spoken. It was like the two were strangers.

Joe shook his head, "Addy, he doesn't hate you. I know that for a fact. But listen, I have a case that I need to investigate. How about you stop by for dinner or lunch near the cafe. You know the one where we used to meet?" He asked pulling out his card.

"That sounds great, I'll see what I can do about that." Adelaide smiled as she got out her card as well, "I'll see you later Joe." She waved off as Joe headed outside.

Adelaide sighed, was coming back here a good idea? She felt a buzz in her pocket and looked over to see the message.


Adelaide Nelson? I don't know if you have my number but my dad just called me saying you were in town? Why don't you call me or give me a text, I really want to talk to you and maybe hang out? Catch up with each other. Please?


Adelaide sighed, thank's a lot Joe, she wanted her visit to be on the down-low and now that Iris has got her phone number she'll be practically blabbering around town that Adelaide Nelson was back in town. As she left the police station she headed over to the bank when she noticed a crowd formed just across from it. As curious she was, she walked towards the crowd noticing a familiar face, Joe. This must've been the investigation he was all about.

As she stared at the commotion she felt a sudden push and her body collided with a stranger. "Sorry." She mumbled towards the stranger. Her eyes darted towards the figure who had pushed her. "Might wanna be careful next time." She scowled.

The figure turned his head around, "Look I'm sorry but- Addy?" Barry's eyes widened. His eyes looked both ways, towards her and towards the investigation. "What? Why are you here? When did you arrive?" He asked.

"Allen!" Joe shouted over, noticing his absence due to a certain female. "You two, chat later. For now, help me with this kid."

Barry nodded his head as he walked towards the crime scene as Adelaide followed behind through. "Sorry, I'm the late captain."

"What was it this time Mister Allen? Did you forget to set your alarm clock Before you answer, I should remind you that your excuse last time was car trouble." The captain snorted.

Adelaide watched him carefully as he walked over to the crime scene. Before Allen could describe the investigation Adelaide walked up taking her chances. "Getaway car is a Mustang Shelby GT-500." She spoke making everyone turn around. "Also, there's something there. Might wanna use something to grab a hold of it." She advised. "Sorry, took criminology and psychology as well as watched all seasons of Criminal Minds. Thought I would put my knowledge into action."

"You look amazing."

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now