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[not edited]


"Hi, what can I get for you?" Adelaide asked.

"The usual." Barry smiled as he took out his wallet and taking out a couple of money to pay for his coffee.

Adelaide was currently working at the Jitters with Iris as Adelaide needed a few more money for personal things. And she was happy that she gets to see Allen's face, every morning.

"That'd be $100.57, please." Adelaide joked as she typed in a few things in the cashier.

"No, you're joking," Barry replied.

"No, I'm not. Just joking it's $5.67." Adelaide laughed and so did Barry. The two have been spending time a lot together whenever Barry didn't need to go superfast mode or out saving the city.

"You heading to Star labs?'' Adelaide asked as she gave Barry his coffee.

"Yeah, you coming?" Barry asked sipping his coffee and handing his bill.

"Can't shift is not over yet, maybe later? I'll text you." Adelaide sadly responded.

"Sure, Uh. I'll see you soon?" Barry asked.

Adelaide nodded her head, "Don't wait for me."

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"Thank you! See you guys later!" Adelaide smiled and waved as she left Jitters. The shift was finally over and she decided to go and take Barry's suggestion on meeting him at Star Labs.

Taking out her phone, Adelaide dialed Barry's phone number. Expecting his soothing voice, a robotic female voice was heard. "Dammit Barry." Adelaide cursed as she put her phone back to her bag and started walking to Star Labs.

Remembering she needed to stop by the bank, she quickly jogged herself to the bank. Standing in line, she took out her check as she waits her turn.

In front of her was a man, who'm seemed distracting but Adelaide being Adelaide she ignored the thought as she awaits her turn .

"This is a robbery, is this supposed to be a joke?" The lady in front says. Looking carefully Adelaide peeked over the commotion, as the man steps back, Adelaide's heart starts to beat.

"You tell me." The man spoke, creating this fog with his hands which caused the room in full chaos. Not knowing what to do, Adelaide took out her phone and typed in Barry's name in her contacts, but it was too late. The glass above her began to shatter and immediately Adelaide ducked down covering her head and body with her arms.

"Have you guys seen Adelaide?" Barry asked as he stepped out of the van with his suit.

"Nope. Why?" Caitlin asked.

"She was supposed to meet me at Star Labs today. I guess plans came up." Barry sighed.

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Adelaide shivered as she was sitting down at the police station, and poor Adelaide not knowing what just happened. Joe had came to her comfort and immediately called Iris & Barry.

"We'll get a sketch artist for that." Detective pretty boy said to the lady, whom Adelaide remembered at the front desk.

"Addy, I want you to go home and take a rest. After everything that has happened today, just watch some movies and drink some hot choco. Okay?" Joe ordered, but it felt like it was more of a suggestion .

Nodding her head, Adelaide stood up giving Joe a quick hug as she held tightly onto her blanket and her purse.

Taking Joe's advice, Adelaide was currently walking towards the Jitters, until she saw Barry's figure came into view. As Adelaide was about to say hello. She looked towards Barry's direction to see Iris & Detective Pretty boy kissing.

"You guys can't tell my dad." Iris pleaded as the two walked. "He doesn't know anything about me and Eddie."

Adelaide barred not wanting to her Iris explanation as she knew Barry had a major crush on Iris ever since the begging of time. "I thank him with a cup of coffee, and everything just went well from then on." Iris sighed.

"Dating your partners regognation, isn't that not allowed?" Barry questioned.

"Why should it matter?" Adelaide huffed. It's funny how Barry seemed to care about Iris's love life, but not Adelaide's safety.

It might sound selfish but it was like nobody has ever cared for Adelaide, everyone was gone from her life. Her mom, sister, dad and now Barry.

"Why are you two so upset?" Iris questioned.

"We just don't want to lie to your dad." The two replied.

Everyone's head turned as the speeding police car rushed towards their direction and immediately Barry pushed the two girls away from the scene.


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and that is it for chapter seven! whoop! I'm super excited bc major drama alert next chapter. Like literally barry, Adelaide witnessed a bank robbery and now she witnessed her almost in a car crash?! Poor Addy ):

thank you for reading!


[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now