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In just a few chapters, the chapter will show an intense moment with Adelaide triggering something from her past causing her to be angered and frustrated and the chapter will also show powers Adelaide hasn't yet figured she has.

Please know that I don't know shit about Physics, but I do know the equation for newtons 2nd law and thats all I know.

Enjoy :)

v = v0 + at

x = x0 + v0t + ½at2

v2 = v02 + 2a(xx0)

Adelaide was yet to figure out this equation. She has been siting down on this bench for 10 minutes trying to figure out the next equation and Barry sat down in front of her making faint sounds of giggles has he laughed at her for not knowing the equation. "Will you stop laughing? I'm trying to concentrate here." Adelaide grumbled as she bit the edge of her pencil.

"I'm not even laughing! I'm just smiling as I watch you struggle, How about this? Give me the equation of the Coefficient of Performance, or how about the Cylindrical Capacitor?" Barry suggested.

"I'm done, I'm getting myself some coffee. Bye." Adelaide scoffed as she picked up her purse and stood up quickly walking towards away from Barry.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry, how about we get some cup of coffee and head to Star-Labs for training? For me of course." Barry asked and Adelaide nodded her head in agreement.


"So does he do this everyday?" Adelaide asked as she watched Barry play tennis with his self.

"Not everyday. Just some days." Caitlin replied.

"If you need me, I'll be over there just cruising." Adelaide pointed out as she really had nothing to do as of now.

"Ms. Nelson, you and Barry seems to be getting closer." Dr. Wells approached.

"I guess we have." Adelaide replied.

"Ms. Nelson if I could kindly ask you to keep a distance from Barry as I want him to focus on training and learning more about his ability." Dr. Wells responded leaving Adelaide speechless.

"Thank you." Dr. Wells once again spoke before turning his wheel chair back to his gang.

Quietly grabbing her things she grabbed her purse and coat and walked quietly towards the door and exited the lab. As she walked quietly to Jitters she notices the commotion that caught her attention.

[EDITING] adelaide ⌁ barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now