Toys for Kook

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Jungkook sighs, looking down as he stressed on his broken things

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Jungkook sighs, looking down as he stressed on his broken things. It's because he sometimes throws them.
"Fucking bitch" He says, accidentally pulling on his hair too hard.
"Owww" He says, wincing. The door opened and he almost threw his notebook if it weren't for him stopping himself. Though Taehyung, who was the culprit thought it was gonna be thrown so he dodge.
"Why are you here?" Jungkook asks, blowing raspberries, his eyes flicking.

"Well, Yoongi hyung noticed that you have been so stressed, so he told me that you two will go out shopping for stress toys" Taehyung says and Jungkook gasps, standing up from his seat.
"Fuck you thank you!" Jungkook says, going out of the room. Taehyung chuckled, shaking his head and closing the door.

"So, you ok-" Yoongi cuts himself off as Jungkook's hand came near his face.
"Sorry" Jungkook says, chuckling. Yoongi smiled, nodding.

"Pick what stress toys you want" Yoongi says as he looked around for some also. Though he kept an eye on the younger. "Here huh fuck off I got it all shut the fuck up, you crusty ass" Jungkook says, his hand raising to reach his cheeks. He lightly slapped his cheeks, smiling.

Jungkook played with the stress toys he was given, chuckling.
"Thanks hyung" Jungkook says, blowing raspberries.
"Welcome, Kook" Yoongi says, ruffling his hair.

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