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"Hi guys hick I'm alone right now, Junyeong went to buy something on these scratches I hick made" Jungkook says, head jerking to the side, hitting his face

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"Hi guys hick I'm alone right now, Junyeong went to buy something on these scratches I hick made" Jungkook says, head jerking to the side, hitting his face. He groans, looking down as he had breathing tics. He hit his chest, shaking his head.

Jungkook hits his face again, making him tear up. Dealing with tics while he's alone is hard.

He grabbed his phone, only causing to throw it. Luckily, he threw it on the bed.
"Aish" He says and stood up, his other phone still filming.

Jungkook looks up as he hears the door opens, being met with Junyeong. His bottom lip wobbled before he ran to Junyeong, crying.
"It hurts fuck" Jungkook cried out, the other rubs his back, kissing his cheek.
"I know, baby" Junyeong says as both sat down on the bed.

"Oh, no, it's forming a bruise" Junyeong says as he stared at Jungkook's face. The younger giggles, wincing as Junyeong puts the ice pack over the bruise.
"Babe!" Jungkook says, while Junyeong just laughed.

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