It's not something to fake about

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(Credits to my homie BTSismynewdrug again 🥺)

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(Credits to my homie BTSismynewdrug again 🥺)

Jungkook and Jin were hanging out at the park to relax since the younger has just had a minor tic attack this morning. Jin decided to buy ice cream for him to calm down.

As they sat at the park, Jungkook's tics were very active and lots of curses were being ommited.

While Jungkook's tics made him curse, it caught the attention of a kid. The kid saw how Jungkook was cursing and how he always got away with it.

So the kid decides to approach Jungkook.
"Uhm...Mister? Why do you curse?? And why is your older brother okay with it?" The kid asks.

Jungkook tries his best not to curse at the kid but it was hard considering his tics were very active.

"W-well shi uhm hic it's because ffff" Jungkook couldn't do it, so he asked Jin to say it for him.

"Well, first of all, he doesn't get in trouble because he can't help it, he has touretts" Jin explained. The kid then nodded while saying "ohhh..." in understanding.

The kid then thanked him and went to his mom. Jungkook wanted more ice cream as he just finished his.

Jin and Jungkook then went to the ice cream vendor and waited in line, while waiting Jin noticed the kid sitting near the place where the line was.

Jungkook and Jin was about to say hi till they overheard their conversation.

The kid then started yelling profanities and when his mom tried to scold him the kid then said...
"I think I have touretts mum" Which was a blatant lie, because 1.) Touretts doesn't appear out of nowhere it's hereditary and 2.) Cursing isn't the only tic that exists, and 3.) He was completely fine a few minutes ago.

After Jin heard this, he decided to approach the kid and the mum.
"Excuse me, Madam, that I intrude but I just want to inform you that your child does not have touretts, so you don't have to worry. My brother here also has touretts and he can guarantee your child does not have tourrets because a moment ago your child was wondering why my brother is allowed to swear and I told him about Tourettes syndrome. It would be very nice if you could please teach your child that touretts is not a joke and should be taken seriously" Jin says, he couldn't help, it pissed him off.

Jungkook nodded in approval and tilted his head in the midst of it.
"I'm so sorry about my child I'll be sure to inform him about it, thank you for informing me" The mother said as she scolded her kid.

The two then decided to call it a day and went home forgetting about buying more ice cream.

The two then decided to call it a day and went home forgetting about buying more ice cream

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