How My Brother's Reacted To Me Losing My V-Card

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(Some chapters are not related to each other)

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(Some chapters are not related to each other)

Jungkook winces, whining at the pain on his lower back.
"Sorry, baby, I might've went too rough on your first time" Junyeong says as he hugged Jungkook's waist.
"It was flip my first let's go time, you faster could've gone slow" Jungkook says, pouting.
"I know" Junyeong says as he kisses Jungkook's naked upper body.

"Junyeong, we need to go to the hyungs" Jungkook says, head jerking to the side. Junyeong nods, standing up and dressing up.
"I'll help you, come on" Junyeong says as he helped Jungkook up, wrapping his arm around his waist.

"Oh, you guys came" Yoongi says, laughing. Jungkook and Junyeong walked in, the older noticing how Jungkook limped. Yoongi shrugs it off, thinking he just tripped.

"Hmm, Jungkook, are you okay? You were limping awhile ago?" Yoongi asks as he stared at the younger. Jungkook took a bite of his food, chuckling.
"Well, I lost my froggy virginity" Jungkook says without hesitation. Jin and Hoseok choked on their foods, Namjoon and Jimin stopped taking a bite, Yoongi and Taehyung spits their drinks out on each other, and Junyeong looks down.
"Jungkook, what?" Jin amas, coughing.

"I lost my virginity?" Jungkook asks, whistling.
"My goodness" Taehyung says as he wipes his face.
"Junyeong?" Namjoon asks and Junyeong blushes.
"Literally?" Jimin asks, the youngest nodded.
"Oh, my, how is it-" Jimin gets cut off as Jin hits the back of his head.

"Well, that's good" Yoongi says, scratching his nape with one eye close, wiping his face.
"Just don't do it everyday" Namjoon says, laughing. The tables as filled with laughter as they shrug the thought of their brother losing his virginity, they changed the topic basically.

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