Panic attack with tics

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Jungkook had been so stressed the past few days, and because of this, his tics are constantly there

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Jungkook had been so stressed the past few days, and because of this, his tics are constantly there. He sighs, ruffling his hair as he teared up. He looks around, his hyungs was around, he can't let them see him.
"Fuc--ah!" He yelled, coughing. He ran upstairs, catching the attention of Jimin who looked back.
"Did something happen to Jungkook?" Jimin asks and the others shrugged, also confused.

Jungkook closes his door, his tics attacking which caused him to hit his head forcefully.
"Ow--fuck" He says, clutching the back of his head. He sniffles, scratching his arms. He continued to cry, covering his mouth so he wouldn't make any noise that'll make him suspicious. He just sat there, crying. He couldn't breathe properly, having a panic attack. He hits his head, his eyes blinking rapidly. He pats his chest, still having a hard time breathing. That was until he hears knocks, startling him. He looks up and sees that his knob is being turned. He ignored it, crying.

"Jungkookie? Are you okay?" Jin asks until he remembers the camera they had put in there just incase Jungkook have any asthma attack or even tic attack.
"Hoseok, go check the camera" Jin says and Hoseok did as he's told to.

After a few minutes, Hoseok got back, panicked as fuck.
"So?" Jin asks and Hoseok gulps, sighing.
"He's having a panic attack in there, he's scratching and hitting himself.
"My goodness... Jungkook? Yoongi, do you have the key?" Jin asks and Yoongi nods, fishing the key out from his pocket. Jin used the key and they're in, having a hard time getting in as Jungkook's blocking it.
"Bubs... It's okay, talk to us" Jin says and that's when Jungkook broke down, standing up and letting Jin open the door. He ran into Jin's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Hyung... I'm so stressed"

 I'm so stressed"

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(Part 2 soon 😗)

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