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"So, like fuck we're shopping?" Jungkook asks, his head jerking to the side

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"So, like fuck we're shopping?" Jungkook asks, his head jerking to the side.
"Yup, maybe we'll also shop for groceries" Jin says as he pockets the folded paper, probably the list of groceries.
"Hmm interesting okay" Jungkook says, giggling as he whistles.
"I wanna buy dildos I mean some new shirts!" Jungkook says, covering his mouth after. The others just laughed, Hoseok ruffling his hair.

"Hmm this is some crusty shirt uwu" Jungkook says, eyes widened as he looks around. He bit his bottom lip, trying to contain his laughter.
"UwU UwU UwU UwU" He starts chanting, poking his cheeks over and over again.
"Yo! Nice weave!" He yelled, slapping his cheeks.

"See this? This goes in the bin" Jungkook says as he grabbed a shirt and almost threw it. He shakes his head, putting it back as laughing.
"Yo, fucker where have you been?" Jungkook asks, staring at Jin with a glare.
"Sorry, had to take a pee" Jin says, scratching his nape. Jungkook scoffs and pinches Jin, biting his bottom lip as he looked away.

"Hmm, fucking delicious than your cooking" Jungkook says, chuckling. His head jerked upwards, making him cough.
"But like, hyung, are we going home now? I'm tired" Jungkook says, making Jin roll his eyes.

"Goodness, Koo, you told me you wanted to come"

"Goodness, Koo, you told me you wanted to come"

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