Panic attacks with tics pt2

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"Aww, baby, why?" Jin asks as he rubbed Jungkook's back

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"Aww, baby, why?" Jin asks as he rubbed Jungkook's back.
"The pro--ah--jects, every--fuck off--thing" Jungkook says and Jin motioned for Hoseok to grab the first aid kit. The other nodded and walked away.
"Would you want to cuddle with the hyungs, watch some movies or eat your favorite food?" Jin asks and Jungkook nods, suddenly blowing raspberries. The others laughed, suddenly Jungkook flipped them off.

"Look at your arms, it's full of scratches and it's so red, you even got a little wound here" Jin says as him and Hoseok aided the scratched Jungkook made. But I was a little hard as Jungkook was moving so much.
"I--ah! Fuck off--hehe--sorry" Jungkook says, tilting his head.
"Don't worry, these will heal immediately because we put some cream on it" Hoseok says, smiling wide. Jungkook smiled at the smile, giggling and blowing raspberries.
"Hyung--ack--uh--ah! You promised" Jungkook says, pouting.

"Of course, I promised, Koo" Jin says, winking. Jungkook claps his hands, smiling while his arms are all bandaged up now.

Jungkook hummed, blowing raspberries and almost throwing the bowl.
"This--disgusting--ah! Sorry--its delicious" Jungkook says as he points the food Jin made. The older smiled, ruffling his hair.
"Don't fucking touch my hair! Ah! ACK! Sorry again, Ohhhh! Chicken!" Jungkook says as he almost poked the food if it weren't for Jin grabbing his hand to stop him.
"Aigoo, Jungkookie" Jin says, laughing as Jungkook gave him a wide smile.

Jungkook laughed even though the thing they're watching is a horror movie.
"Aye! You dumb!" He yelled, pointing at the character who died. He leaned to Taehyung, who wrapped his arm around him.
"Bitch! ACK! He's right behind you! You fucking bitch!" He yelled, laughing.

In the end, Jungkook ends up falling asleep and all of them cuddled.

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