"He's Faking It!"

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The seven guys walked inside the restaurant, some people stared at them

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The seven guys walked inside the restaurant, some people stared at them.
"Fuck off all of you!" Jungkook yelled, tilting his head to the side. All people looked at them, making them laugh awkwardly.
"Sorry, he have Tourettes" Jin explained and all people went back to eating.
"I'm so-sor-gah-ry" Jungkook says, looking down.
"It's okay, they understand, look" Yoongi says and Jungkook looks up, seeing people waving at them. He waved back, giggling but suddenly flipping them off. His eyes widened, grabbing his hand and chuckling.

"Sorry?" He says while people just chuckled at him. They all sat down at a table they reserved and Jungkook immediately got distracted by the napkins.
"Ohhhh--ack--fuck" Jungkook says but he didn't removed his stare at the napkins.
"Make sure you don't throw that" Hoseok says, laughing and Jungkook smirked at him. He grabbed the napkin and threw it, accidentally hitting a lady behind their seats. His mouth opened, shocked. He closed it back, looking away. The woman gasps, grabbing the napkin in disgusts.
"Ew...who's is this?!" The woman says, glaring.

"I-I... It's mine!" Jungkook yelled, putting his hands up and biting his lips. The woman walked to them, throwing the napkin at Jungkook's face. His brothers gasps, staring at the lady. Yoongi clenched his fists, while Hoseok squeezed his shoulder to calm him down. The lady pokes Jungkook's head, laughing.
"You're clearly faking this disorder thing of yours to hurt and curse at people, it disgusts me" Yoongi has had enough, he stood up from his seat and walked in front of the lady.
"Ma'am, we clearly have a problem here" Yoongi says, crossing his arms.
"Yeah, your brother here just threw his napkin at me" The lady says, raising her brows. People walked near them, grabbing the woman.

"I think you should go out from this restaurant if you'll treat people with medical conditions like that"

"I think you should go out from this restaurant if you'll treat people with medical conditions like that"

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(Part 2?)

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