You're Not Different

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(Written by SleepDeprivedZypher 🥺) (Just a one-shot 🤣)

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(Written by SleepDeprivedZypher 🥺) (Just a one-shot 🤣)

"What should we do, honey? I don't think he's possessed by a demon, maybe there's an infection in his brain or possibly cancer" Jungkook's mother said in worry.

"Let's take him to the doctor then" Jungkook's dad declares and heads to Jungkook's room.

"HeyTAGGG dad uuf" Jungkook said as his head jerked up as he did jazz hands.

"Uhm... me and your mom decided to get you checked at the hospital" His dad tells.

"Oh!" Jungkook then smacked his lips.

"Sure when?" Jungkook then twitched.

"We're going today" Jungkook's dad said and told Jungkook to get ready.

Soon, they were headed to the hospital.

"So, doc, is our baby okay??" Jungkook's mom asked.

"Hmm... I see, your son has Tourette syndrome, where a person does these twitches and movements that they can't control. Your child is perfectly fine but help him with his Tourettes as it can cause harm to his body as he might hit himself or cause harm to others" The doctor stated.

"Is there any other way we can help? We want to help our baby no matter what he has" Jungkook's father asked. He was always very over-protective of Jungkook.

"Wel,l just be there for him and monitor his actions" The doctor states.

"Thank you so much, doctor" Jungkook's mom says.

They then left the doctor's office to see Jungkook sitting patiently outside and after he saw them, he gave them a smile which made their heart melt.

"I'm glad you don't have anything serious, but you do have tourrette syndrome, hunny, but no matter what we'll be here for you" Jungkook's mom states as Jungkook was ticking at the back seat.

"Chu thank you, mom. Also what is fwah tourrete FURRET syndrome?" Jungkook asked as his hand hit his chest.

"Well, it's where you do those random movements and say those random words out of nowhere and you can't control it? That is Tourette Syndrome" Jungkook's dad explains.

"Oh..." Jungkook was a bit sad.

"What's wrong, honey?" Jungkook's mom asks after hearing Jungkook's response.

"Does that make SQUEEK got any lice? me different and weird?" Jungkook asks, sadly.

"NO, baby, no...everyone is different and weird so don't be ashamed" Jungkook's mom explains.

"We love you, every part of you, no matter what we are, your parents and we will love you unconditionally" Jungkook's mom says which touched Jungkook.

"Awww Sthap U GON MAKE ME cri" Jungkook laughed at that tic and so did his parents.

"Let's go buy ice cream" Jungkook's dad says and Jungkook and his mom cheers at the free ice cream.

"Let's go buy ice cream" Jungkook's dad says and Jungkook and his mom cheers at the free ice cream

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