Jungkook introduces first boyfriend

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"Y'all feel like something's bad is gonna happen?" Yoongi asks, raising his brow

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"Y'all feel like something's bad is gonna happen?" Yoongi asks, raising his brow.
"What do you mean?" Jin asks, confusion laced in his voice.
"Like, I feel like something's bad is gonna happen. Like Jungkook's gonna show up with a guy and introduces him as his boyfriend" Yoongi says, shivering.
"That's ridiculous and you're being dramati-" Jin gets cut off as there's a knock on the door.

"I'm gonna go get it!" Taehyung yelled and went to the front door. Opening it and was met with Jungkook, a guy beside him.
"Oh, Koo" Taehyung says, letting him and the guy in.
"Hyungs! Fuck I got myself a fucking hot boyfriend! I'm happy!" Jungkook exclaimed and Jin choked on the water he's drinking. Yoongi had a

 Yoongi had a

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Face. Hoseok and Namjoon who's screaming about something, stopped. And Jimin, was just chewing. Taehyung, who's beside the two, gave an awkward smile.

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