Kookie Bakes Cookies

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Jungkook giggles as he stared at Junyeong bring the ingredients in

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Jungkook giggles as he stared at Junyeong bring the ingredients in.
"Hey oop! Today, we're baking cookies!" Jungkook says, bopping his own nose. Junyeong chuckles and nodded, ruffling the younger's hair.
"Kookie bakes cookies" Junyeong says, winking. Jungkook laughs before he grabbed the bowl, almost throwing it, if it weren't for Junyeong grabbing his arm.

"First, fuck we're gonna pour flower flower flour" Jungkook says, laughing as he grabbed the flour, slapping it. Thankfully it's not opened yet. Junyeong did it as Jungkook read the instructions.
"Eggs!" Jungkook says, grabbing one egg and accidentally throwing it.
"Oops" Jungkook says, grabbing another one. He almost hit his head with it, but he stopped.

"I think I should do that" Junyeong says and Jungkook nods, laughing.
"Chickens" Jungkook says as he tapped the eggs lightly.
"Knock, knock " He says, tapping Junyeong's shoulder.

"Hmm... It looks cutely good" Jungkook says as he taps the oven.
"Hey, it's hot" Junyeong says as he grabbed Jungkook's hand. The younger giggles as he just stared at the oven, hiding his hands on his pockets.

"Yeah!" Jungkook says as he bit on a cookie.
"It's delicious! Junyeong, babe, made it!" Jungkook says, humming. You could say he enjoyed it.

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