Froggy jump jump!

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Jungkook giggles as he stared out of the window of the car

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Jungkook giggles as he stared out of the window of the car. They were going camping and it's just exciting for him, he'll get to see cute animals. He blew raspberries as he tapped on the window, smiling.
"Are w-we fuck off there yet?" Jungkook asks, his arm poking Jimin who laughed as the other had poked his ticklish spot.
"Fuck are we?" He asks, smiling wide.
"Jungkookie, stop" Jimin says as he continued to laugh. Jungkook smirked and continued to do it.
"Hyungie! Jin hyungie!" Jungkook whined, pouting.
"We are, Kookie" Jin says, sighing. Jungkook just blew raspberries, poking his own cheeks.

Jungkook gasps as they walked inside the place they'll be putting up their tents on. He smiled, picking up some leaves and agressivly threw it on Taehyung who's jaw dropped.
"Gosh, Kook" Taehyung says as he brushes himself.
"Ugly sorry" Jungkook says, giggling.
"I'll be the one putting up your tent, you might destroy it" Jin says and Jungkook nods, giving his tent to Jin.
"Hyungie! ACK Jiminie hyung! Taehyung fucker hyung! Uhmm Let's go there!" Jungkook says as he pointed at the lake near the place.
"Okay, you three be careful" Yoongi says and the three nods, running to where the lake is.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled as he stared at the lake, of course his tic said 'jump in' but his two brothers are holding his arms so he wouldn't.
"Ohhhh disgusting beautiful!" Jungkook says as he spots a butterfly. He was about to touch it but it flew away. He pouts until he spots a frog. He stared as it jumped, copying it.
"Froggy jump jump yeahhhhh" He says, actually jumping and the two thought he'll fall which almost caused them to scream.
"I... My fucking socks my socks are wet" Jungkook says as he pouts.
"Let's go back" Jimin says and the two agreed. They went back and Jungkook continued to do what he was doing awhile ago.

Basically, a new tic. And it's cute.

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