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(Written by my homie SleepDeprivedZypher 🤩)

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(Written by my homie SleepDeprivedZypher 🤩)

Jungkook and Junyeong were supposed to visit his hyungs today but before they did, they had a quick and rough little thingy which made them late. They both were now standing in front of the doorway. Jungkook barely standing straight and Junyeong laughing at him, which made Jungkook angry.

Junyeong knocked on the door and soon he heard the jiggling of the door knob. It was opened by none other than Worldwide Handsome himself, Kim Seokjin.
"Jungkook-ah, Junyeong-ah, glad you two could make it" Jin said as he lead them inside the house.

"Hi uhmf Jinnie pssst hyung" Jungkook said as he hit his chest.  They were now all seated at the table, eating Seokjin's heavenly food while chatting.
"So then we were at rail me uhmf we were at Junyeong railed me we were at we banged, agh damn it" Jungkook got frustrated.

"Pfft... did you and Junyeong have a little fun beofre coming here??" Jimin said, teasing Jungkook.
"Oh shut up twink" Jungkook said as he slammed his hand on the table because of his tic.
"That's why you guys were late" Namjoon said, laughing at how ridiculous that was.

"Must've been good, aye, Jungkook-ah?" Yoongi teased.
"N-no Ya'll lot can go fuck off" He ticked as he held out his middle finger.
"Guys, stop teasing him he looks like he's about to cry" Taehyung said, chuckling a bit.
"Ahhhh... I'm so embarassedddd" Jungkook said.

"Don't be, we're family, you can tell us anything" Jin said.
"Same goes for you, Junyeong, take good care of our baby brother" Namjoon said.
"Yes, hyungs, I'll take good care of him alright" Junyeong teasingly said which earned a whine from Jungkook.

They all laughed and continued eating and laughing.

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