Getting Our Nails Painted

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(Written by SleepDeprivedZypher 🤪)

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(Written by SleepDeprivedZypher 🤪)

"GUYS chu let's mmpf get our nails painted" Jungkook said as he hit his chest.
"Uhm... sure! Anything for you, Kookie" Jin said with a smile, to which the others nodded.
"Junyeong hyungie will drive us there!" Jungkook said as he latched onto his boyfriend's arms.

They were all seated in the car. Junyeong and Jungkook in the front seat, while all the others were at the back. They then arrived to the nail salon and went inside.
"Good morning, sirs! What would you like your nails to be?" The girl at the front desk asked and showed them different colors and designs.
"I'll get a plain black one" Yoongi said.
"Pink with purple butterflies with crystals, make it pretty like me" Jin exclaimed. They chuckled at Jin's remark.

"I'll just get my nails cleaned thank you" Namjoon said.
"I want a green one with a sunflower design" Hobi said.
"Hmmm... I'll have mine as clear nail polish with stars" Jimin said.
"I'll get long acrylics and make it cool" Taehyung said, sounding like a cool dude.
"Won't that be a pain in the ass though? Both literally and figuratively?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm up for the challenge" Taehyung said.
"Hmm... I'll have this one" Jungkook pointed at the picture.
"What about you, Junyeong?" Jungkook turned to his boyfriend and asked.
"This one seems nice" Shinji pointed.
"Then its decided lets goooo" They all said before they started.

[Their nails 🤪🤚]



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"I regret nothing" Jin says as he admires his nails.


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