Drunk MFs

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The eight males cheered as they hit their glasses together

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The eight males cheered as they hit their glasses together. All laughed as they drank the alcohol.

All walked around the house, stumbling and chuckling like they're crazy. There was loud music and all were dancing. Junyeong and Jungkook making out in the side. The house was a mess.

Jin groans, sitting up. He yawns, thinking that he's in his bed because of a pillow on his head. He looks around, his eyes widening at what he's met with. There was Jimin, head dipped on the laundry basket. Namjoon laying down like a newborn. Yoongi was the same, though he had some candies stuck on his hair.

Taehyung was laying down as straight as a stick. And Hoseok, well, his face is hidden on the couch. He stood up, stepping on something. Taking the blanket off, their he see Junyeong and Jungkook, mouth opened as they slept soundly.
"Wake up!" He yelled, startling them all. All groaned, sitting up and yawning.

"Okay, I'll make you all some hangover soup and then we'll get cleaning" Jin says, all of them whined but he just ignored them.

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