Hospital Again

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Jungkook sighs, shaking his head as he tries to control himself from scratching himself

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Jungkook sighs, shaking his head as he tries to control himself from scratching himself. Yes, he's having another tic attack. He hates so much. Junyeong and his brothers were downstairs, he would've told them but he didn't want to.
"Fuck I should've told them..." He says, grabbing his phone and texting Junyeong.

Junyeong frowned as his phone dinged. He looks at what it is, seeing Jungkook's name.
"Can you go up here? I'm having a tic attack" Junyeong reads, and so he rushingly got up and walked upstairs.

Jungkook was hitting his head on the wall now, he was trying to stop, but he can't. The door opened and he's met with Junyeong, who ran to him and stopped what he's doing.
"Jungkook, oh, my goodness, you're bleeding" Junyeong says as he stared at the wall and his hand.
"Come on, let's go to the hospital" Junyeong says, his voice laced with worry as he helped the younger stand up.

"I look ugly" Jungkook pouts as he stared at himself on the mirror, having this bandage wrapped around his head.
"You don't, my baby is still a cutie" Junyeong says, chuckling.

"You're a cutie too, babe"

"You're a cutie too, babe"

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