Chapter 22

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It had been a week since communication had been cut off from the capital, around ten days since you first ventured on your mission. 

The attacks had grown stronger and more frequent in the days since your arrival. Kylo had appointed you commander because he'd seen it as a harmless task that wouldn't put you at risk. Nothing serious had ever been reported in the area; it was one of the first moons to fall under the occupation of the Order and so rebellion had never been an issue. It was your first chance to truly prove yourself as a leader and you were excited to accept the challenge. Leaving your husband had been hard, but having him finally trust you was worth the pain of being apart.

Upon arrival, you were advised that the matter was nothing more than trivial hooligans trying to make easy money from stealing supplies. However, the day after you touched down, one of the main cargo vessels was destroyed in an ambush attack. You were meant to be on board the vessel at the time, but had instead chosen to privately review security plans in your quarters, favouring a later inspection. Upon hearing of the attack, Kylo insisted he joined you; he felt as though the destruction of the vessel was an attempt on your life. You subdued him, putting it down to mere coincidence on the advice of the barrack's general and assured him there was no need to come. That was the last time you'd spoken to him. Communication towers were targeted next, leaving your compound isolated from the rest of the Order. With each passing day, the attacks became more aggressive and the failings of the crew and soldiers within the compound caused a growing rage within you.

Each strategy you'd put in place failed because of the ignorance and arrogance of the superior officers; their egos unwilling to follow orders directly from a woman, even knowing who you were did not change this. 

Their shortcomings forced you onto the battlefield yourself, getting a taste of real combat for the first time; something you knew Kylo would strongly oppose. Your saber slashed through countless adversaries as you and a hand-picked team personally defended the base after receiving warning of a large-scale attack from spies within the enemy ranks.

Before deploying, Kylo had made sure you were equipped with proper body armour. Your small frame guarded by the same lightweight protection the Emperor wears himself; all you were missing was the mask. You had refused one, opting instead for a beam visor across your face in order to appease your husband's countless attempts to keep you safe. The battle was long, but your troops followed every command once on the field. Their respect grew as they saw what a formidable weapon you had been made into. During your short time at the barrack, many had sworn allegiance to you, following your orders over those of the officers who had been in charge before your arrival. Which is why it did not surprise you to learn that one of the generals had found means to send reports of your antics on the battlefield to the capital. It was a blatant attempt to have you removed; they were threatened by the power you possessed and the command your skill demanded.

As you sat in your quarters with a glass of wine and your casual robe on, losing yourself in countless reports and strategy documents, the familiar sounds of the imperial ship woke you from your trance. Standing at the window, you watched as the ship docked and a procession of storm troopers made their way down the ramp. Your fists clenched, eyes narrowing as you watched Kylo make his way from the vehicle and immediately march into the building. He was masked, but his body language suggested a visible level of anger as his strides took him into the entrance of the barrack and out of your sight.

It didn't take long for your door to burst open. Your husband storming over to where you stood, hand immediately reaching up and gripping your chin tightly. The leather-bound limb forcing you to look up at the masked face before you, hold tightening as he spoke. "So, you didn't plan on telling me about your little expeditions onto the battlefield, did you pet?" He brought your face closer to his own, hand pressing down on your throat as his grip dropped from your chin to your neck. "Trying to hide things from me, my love is never wise. I thought you promised not to do anything stupid in my absense." He tilted your head to the side, mask resting against your cheek as he sighed. "You should know by now I'm always watching. I always find out." Your own hands squeezed at his wrist, desperately trying to get him to release you. "This is what happens when I let my pet off her leash it seems. How do you think it makes me look, hm? I have to hear that my own wife is carelessly parading around a battlefield from a low life general who's only aim is ridding himself of you. Did it feel good darling... did it? Tasting sweet little victory on your own. Do you like being without me?" You tried to shake your head, breath escaping you as Kylo's grip held firm. "And now I've had to drag myself out here, just to straighten up the mess that you clearly can't contain on your own." As your eyes began to close, he let go; your tired body dropping to the floor in front of him. "In better circumstances, I'd enjoy seeing you so scarcely dressed, that beautiful little body of yours on show for me. Maybe I should punish you before dealing with the scum that crawl around here." His mask tilted as he stood over you, rubbing his hands together as he scanned your body. Your mouth curled into a low growl, his words sparking a deep anger inside of you. "That does sound good to me... What do you think pet, should I show you what happens when you hide things from me? Should I ravage that little body of yours until you can't walk... maybe that way you won't go putting yourself in unnecessary danger behind my back."

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