Chapter 15

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TW: dub-con, graphic, humiliation and violence


It wasn't what you expected. 

You thought he'd be bruised, bloody... chained to the walls like an animal as troopers bludgeoned him. That's how Kylo's prisoners always looked; he would torture and break them until he got what he wanted. You'd seen it before, but tried to forget as you couldn't allow yourself to think of Kylo as the monster he could be for too long. But no, as you entered the room he simply sat on the floor. Not a single mark on him. His eyes shifted from the floor to you, and he smiled. "Sent you in first they? Gods, he really is insane." Thomas stood and walked towards you. A part of you wanted to retreat, but you knew you had to stand firm. Any sign of weakness was a victory for him, and you couldn't allow that.

"You're lucky you're still breathing, and that's down to me. If I hadn't acted, you would be in two parts as someone mopped up your remains from the street." He laughed and stopped, now standing a few feet away. 

"My little hero, how could I ever repay you? Ha, so now what, you here to finish the job? They got you your own little glow stick to go with your outfit?" Your cheeks flushed red, frustration creeping up your spine as your hands rested on your hips.

"What are you hoping to achieve here Thomas, really? I thought you were better than this. Better than all of this. And here you are, as much of a villainous snake as the rest of them." He took one step closer to you. 

"As much as him you mean..." his eyes scanned your body as he spoke, calculating his next move. "I'm surprised my attitude offends you, considering to cowardly company you seem to keep these days." The door opened and slammed shut. You knew who had entered but didn't expect to turn and be met with the eyes of your lover. No mask, just him.

"Cowardly you say, hm. That's very rich coming from the man who tries to manipulate a poor woman into turning against her fiancé." He stood next to you, the dim light of the room hardening his features as you turned and watched Thomas' expression change from spite to concern. "Not so talkative now are you boy? Funny, isn't it... Most people say the mask is what they fear. The cold metal hiding any real evidence of human nature. And yet, now I've removed it you seem more scared than ever, I see it in your mind. I feel your fear growing. But this what you wanted, wasn't it boy? You wanted me to look you in the eye."

Thomas took a step backwards, unable to form words as an intense pressure was applied to his throat. Kylo walked towards him, standing toe to toe as the air was squeezed from Thomas. You looked away, not wanting to watch. Kylo extended his free hand, asking you to come forward. You shook your head and turned away, facing the wall as Thomas' gasps and chokes became louder. "My love come here for me. Now." A sigh passed your lips as you turned and slowly approached. Kylo smiled and held his hand out for you to take. As your hand connected with his, Thomas flew across the room. His weak body slamming against the wall and falling to the floor.

"Don't make me watch, please. This is not my world, not what I want. If you must do it, just let me leave." Your voice was distressed, eye flickering towards the man on the floor as your name left his lips while he groaned in pain. A finger lightly connected with your chin and brought your face towards Kylo, a kiss placed on your lips. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on just the kiss, forgetting what was happening around you. You sighed against his lips, hand resting on the side of his neck as he pulled your hips towards him. A small whine left your lips as Kylo pulled away, smirk crossing his face as he turned back to the man on the floor.

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