Chapter 3

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Peace reigned over most of the galaxies. 

Emperor Ren had seen to it that the Resistance had all but fallen, and the people were given the chance to join and prosper. 

The capital had been the shining jewel of the new Order for the past few years; a beacon of hope for the future under the new emperor. Its streets felt safe and secure, enough for you to roam without guards or protection. Everyone knew you, respected you. You stood by his side at every public speech and parade, every battle and announcement. Your face was known just as his mask was, and people held you to the same regard as him. 

The streets felt like home to you and you took every chance you could to join the people in their everyday lives. It felt nice to escape the meetings and inspections, to simply speak to people about their lives and joys instead of missions and reports. The marketplace had always been your favourite. The smells, the sounds... It was magical and everyone loved seeing you. The merchants would greet you fondly as you walked by, praising your efforts and thanking you and the Emperor for the life they were able to have. A part of you always felt embarrassed; these people were so good and so kind, even after the years of war they had lived through. You didn't always feel you deserved their praise, after all you had been protected from the fighting due to your position. Many of them had lost so much but were able to rebuild in their new home. They saw you as part of that rebuilding, and welcomed you openly no matter what. 

Kylo knew where you were at all times; he was in your mind and in your heart wherever you went, always able to feel your presence and pinpoint where you were, so you always felt protected. With every day you've spent together, your bond grew; your minds worked as one even when your bodies were apart.

You walked through the market, as you would any free day you had. The children playing in the fountain always made you smile, and the smells of the market stands brought back memories of your galactic travels on the arm of the man you adored. All the locals smiled and greeted you openly, each more than happy to spend their time hearing stories of battles far away. 

You would sit and spin tales for the children and their parents who would smile as the children excitedly hung on your every word. It brought you so much joy to see their smiles and know that their future was secured because of what your lover was doing. You had always been passionate about helping the future generations; you volunteered on your home planet as a teaching assistant before joining the Order. 

Perched on the fountain side, your words filled the imaginations of those who sat at your feet, longing to one day tells stories like this themselves. A beautiful gleam of the suns in the sky touched your skin and warmed you as the locals marvelled at your words. It was the perfect day, the perfect moment.

Until it wasn't.

Before you could react, a hooded stranger ran at you. He darted through the crowds, jumping over the children and leaped at you before you had a chance to react. Knife in hand, he grabbed you and charged you both backwards into the fountain. The people screamed and scattered, too afraid to act as the water around you began glowing red. The knife had dug deep into your shoulder, as the stranger wrestled with you, trying to get a hold on your neck. 

Your screams were heard far from the scene, you felt it. 

As the stranger finally gripped your throat, your eyes began to close; the pain becoming too much. It was then you saw it, the burning glow of red that you'd seen so many times before just before your eyes closed. 

The pressure on your neck had gone, as you noticed the red light had penetrated the stranger's chest and made a clean break through his entire body. Lifeless and limp, the body soared into the air and crashed through a pile of old crates. You couldn't move, body searing with pain, floating in the water that mixed with your blood. As your eyes fluttered open only to shut again, your body was lifted into the air and placed on a medbay vessel. Your caught a glimpse of the cold mask of the man who'd saved you as you were carried away for treatment.

Hours had passed; your wound had been stitched but you lie alone in the cold medbay bed. You thought he would have come to check on you by now. Your mind kept reliving the moment you were stabbed, and the moment the hot saber pierced the man's chest. 

Shivers ran through you as your mind showed you the fearful eyes of the public as their emperor slaughtered a man in the middle of the city centre. 

You knew this was bad; he had just ascended to the top and now he was exposed as an emotional and vindictive murderer in front of those who were meant to trust him. As your mind clouded with fearful visions, the door to your room flew open. The cape swooped in and covered the figure as he stormed towards your bed. His hand grabbed yours as he knelt next to you, mask shielding the emotion in his eyes. "How did this happen... how did I let this happen," his voice grew cold and harsh, grip on your hand tightening. His anger grew and you knew he would explode if you didn't calm him. 

"This isn't your fault, I'm ok I promise you," you placed your free hand on the side of his mask, "it will all be ok..." You reached for the clasps on the back of the helmet but he sat up, stopping your hand from freeing his face. 

"How could I have been so careless, lashing out when there were so many nearby." You frowned and took your hands back. 

"So, you weren't talking about me... you, you were worried about your appearance?" You sat up, wincing as pain shot from your shoulder. His head raised to meet yours,

"Of course my appearance, do you understand the severity of what happened? My position is compromised because you had to leave yourself exposed to tell fairy tales to younglings."

Your heart shattered with each word that escaped the mask, tears filling your eyes as you retreated as far as you could from where he was. "How could you say these things? How could you come here, to me like this, and scold me when you couldn't even keep one town peaceful," your voice began to get louder with each word, you slowly raising from the bed to try and stand, "if you were half the leader you make everyone believe you are, I would be free to safely walk the streets without having to worry that my life is in danger. How dare y-" your words fell short as the Force wrapped around your throat. Kylo stood, hand outstretched as his power clenched your neck, just as the stranger had only hours ago. 

"Your weakness," he paused and stepped closer to your body as it fought for freedom from the invisible restraints, "exposes me. How can I lead them when you are such a liability? You are nothing but a burden to me, pet." His grip disappeared from your throat as you regained composure, stepping backwards to create as much distance as possible between you and the masked man whose words cut deeper than any knife ever could. 

"You disgust me, you never cared, did you? Never!" you screamed, "you wouldn't say these things if you did. All I've been is a toy to you, a means to an end. I helped you build this world, you know it. You'd be nothing if it wasn't for me. Everyone told me to run, everyone told me not to fall for it and yet here I am, by your side from the beginning and you're pushing me away... tell me you love me, or at least care about me... please." Tears ran like hot rivers down your face as you clutched your sides, pain overtaking you. His silence spoke volumes as your head dropped, arms wrapping around yourself in an attempt to find any sort of comfort. 

"I want you gone; you're relieved of all posts. You are no longer needed; someone will replace you and their efforts won't cause such distraction I'm sure." With that last sentence, he left the room. You were alone, left to absorb what had just been said. A loud, painful cry fell from you as you collapsed to your knees, sobbing into your hands as your whole world had just walked away.


Hi Everyone! Thought it was time I introduce myself. I'm Leo, and this is my first time writing a fic. I really hope you enjoy, please vote and comment along. Find me on Instagram @ willingsurrender where you can find out about uploads and get in touch with me. I don't really have a set schedule, I'll just be uploading whenever I can. Might be every couple of day, might be a few times a week, we'll see. I also have tiktok, @willingsurrender where I will be posting videos and stupid stuff relating to the story as it goes, as well as videos about me and my life! Thank you for the support so far, can't wait to go on this journey with you 

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