Chapter 2

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One morning, you were called into the command centre. There had been plans to expand housing within your area of supervision and the Supreme Leader had requested an audience with you. This was the most important moment of your career and you had spent all week preparing all the data and plans needed for your meeting. Walking into the Supreme Leader's office, you bit your lip as your eyes fell on the cold mask that watched you as Kylo stood by the large window next to the throne of the Supreme Leader. You hadn't expected him to be there; his presence making you even more nervous. Head bowing down, you smiled and began your presentation. The look on the face of the Supreme Leader suggested that he was impressed with your work, nodding along as you explained the general plans for development. Pausing to allow time for the leader to read a report directly from the ground, your eyes drifted over to Kylo who began to make his way over to you. He started to circle you; arms crossed over his chest as each foot step made your heartbeat race. "Clever little one, aren't you? Doing all this by yourself. It makes me wonder why you're just a simple officer and not in a higher position..." he stopped in front of you, Force wrapping around your throat as he lifted you into the air. You began to kick, fighting the restraint on your neck as oxygen started to escape you. "I see inside your mind, little one. I see your passion, I see your drive. But I don't see any goal or aim. Any strong allegiances and that makes me cautious." You heard the Supreme Leader order him to drop you, like he was a dog, a low growl leaving the mask as your feet met the floor once more. Panting, you staggered backwards trying to catch your breath.

"You like to entertain the officers around here with your pretty little smile, you like to make a scene and make sure all eyes are on you. To me, you're either a resistance spy or a threat to the leader. No one just appears with the level of knowledge and skill you have. So, tell me, little one. What exactly is your aim here, and where do you loyalties lie?" Each step backwards you took was mirrored by one forward from Kylo; he had you pinned to the wall as you staggered over your words. "I have no idea what you're talking about Commander Ren... loyalty has always been to the Supreme Leader. A... All I've ever wanted was a chance to prove myself. That's all. No one has given me the chance; all I want is the chance to prove myself. To you." His head tilted, watching as your big eyes focussed on him, small frame cowering under his pressure. "That's a good girl," his hand rested on your cheek, "that's what I like to hear. Tell me exactly who you want to prove yourself to." Eyes closing as the hand stroked your cheek, you let out a long sigh before looking up at him once more. "You, sir... I want to impress you. I want you to know what I can do." Kylo's body was ripped away from yours as the Supreme Leader launched him across the room, pinning him to the wall. You heart jumped out of your chest, watching the exchange between the two powerful men.

"Know your place boy. You do not antagonise my work force. This young lady is here to serve my purpose, not to entertain your boyish fantasies." Kylo returned to the floor, body tense as rage began to take over. Cape whipping from the force of his movements, the enraged man stormed out of the room leaving you dazed, concerned and aroused.

After the incident with the Supreme Leader, Kylo quickly took it upon himself to acknowledge your potential and endorse you. Giving you control of more projects with each meeting he oversaw. Before long, you became his personal advisor which consisted of spending many long nights alone trying to ignore the irrefutable tension between the two of you. Trying to throw yourself into the work, you repressed the thoughts that filled you head during your time discussing serious matters. But every time your eyes met that mask, your mind raced with images of his body close to yours. You craved his hands on you, body aching for his touch whenever he was close. The power he exuded always sparked an excitement within you. Every time he spoke, he commanded such a respect from all who heard him. Even though you'd never seen his face, something powerful drew you to him, like it didn't matter what was beneath the mask. On the nights that you worked alone with him, you kept as much distance between the two of you as possible; unwilling to give in to the screaming of your body's desire. You knew he heard it, his advances and the innuendo in his voice only made it harder for you to focus on your work.

One night, after a glorious victory over the Resistance forces, the tension could not be ignored, and you spent the night in each other's ravenous embrace.

He had invited you up to his personal chambers for the first time, luring you in with a toast to your joint success and the promise of a relaxing evening off. You decided to dress for the occasion, opting for a short black dress and heels. Knocking on the door of his quarters, you straightened out the dress whilst the door swung open on its own. The empty corridor threw you, making you uneasy as you walked in and shut the door behind you. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw him; his eyes shining in the dim light of his room, scar running down one side of his face. You were looking at his face, not the mask, and your brain could barely process it. His smile was one of the most beautiful things you'd ever seen, not being able to take your eyes away from his mouth as he walked towards you. You'd heard rumours and had your own guesses; from the way he composed himself you had expected someone older, more weathered. But he was young and very beautiful. "Good evening little one, I was worried you'd leave me hanging. But I'm so glad to see you've dressed up for me" He took your hand in his own and left a gentle kiss on the skin, his eyes scanning over your body with a glimmer of hunger. You smiled, eyes still staring at the face in front of you. He was one of the most handsome men you'd ever seen. "Lost for words pet?" he chuckled and led you into the main room, "I told you, tonight is for relaxing. So," he handed you a glass of wine and sat in the large armchair positioned by the window, running a hand through his thick dark hair, "I thought I'd let my hair down." You chuckled and stood at the window beside the chair. Looking out at the city below, you sighed and sipped your drink. You could very quickly get used to a view like this, the company next to you making it much sweeter.

"So, why did you invite me up here Commander?" He turned to you, looking up from where he sat and smiled. "Well I couldn't just walk around the tower without my mask, pet. But I thought it was time I saw that beautiful smile of yours with my own eyes." His hand caught yours once more, pulling you to stand between his legs. You placed your glass on the table beside you and looked down at the man in the chair, biting your lip as your gaze met his. "Is it wrong of me to say that you have beautiful eyes, commander?" Your cheeks turned pink, the sudden burst of confidence shocking yourself as you saw a smile form on Kylo's lips. He rose from his seat, free hand reaching for your cheek as he angled your face up to his.

"Is it wrong of me to say I want to kiss you, officer?" His head tilted as he waited for your response. Pulse racing, you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing his mouth crashing into yours as you moaned against him. His hand gripped your hips, rutting his own against you as your fingers tangled in his hair. The hunger for each other consumed you both, clothes flying off as you gave into the desire that had built for weeks.

Itdidn't stop there; with each victory and each extension of his power over the enemy,Kylo's infatuation for you grew. He saw you as the driving force of his successand so turned to you whenever he progressed towards his ultimate goal. Soon youwere no longer his advisor, but his companion. His muse and inspiration for abetter world. Every time your name left his lips it was as if everything wasright in the universe. By the time Kylo has risen through the ranks of theFirst Order, you were his rock, his power, and his biggest supporter. When thetime came that he overthrew the Supreme Leader and seized control of the Order,you were on his arm and fighting his battles by his side. His empress, hispassion, his queen. But such power and such emotion, was bound to come withpain and anguish. 

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